Chapter 8.

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Author's Note
Enjoy this chap.

Josh's POV

We were on our way towards Riley's boyfriend's house. His name was Lucas. Right? Sound's like a nice-ish guy. I wonder if he is like any of Riley's previous boyfriends. Like the one she had six months ago. The one that crushed her heart by cheating on her. He better not be like that. Speaking of which, her boyfriend from about a year ago was the WORST! When I came over for holidays they were all over each other but not in a cute way. It was gross. Oh! And when he would talk to us family all he would talk about was himself. Such an egomaniac. But then again, that day was the day I truly met Maya. The thought that we were sitting next to each other and holding each other's hands was magical. She interrupted my thoughts by saying, "Josh? Josh?" She questioned me.
"Were you daydreaming?"
"No, I was just thinking," I said in a professional way, being that Riley IS in the backseat. Maya laughed, "Yeah right,". She leaned in and tried to give me a peck on the cheek but I turned my head and kissed her. She kissed back.
"Josh!" Riley yelled.
I couldn't hear anything. When I kissed Maya, the world was gone it was just her and I. It lasted about ten seconds then Maya pulled out and whispered into my lips, "you should really keep your eyes on the road." She bit her bottom lip and shed a smile. "Okay but only if you kiss me again," I said back shedding a smile. She kissed me and I kissed back, it lasted 5 seconds and then I leaned out and glued my eyes back on the yellow and black stripes of the road.


Maya's POV

Me and Josh are so great together. He helps me get over my feelings for Lucas. I wish he could stay here longer but he has to get back to New York for NYU next week so he can finish his studies and get his Masters and continue college for another 3 years to try and get his Bachelors.

We arrived at Lucas' house after about 15 minutes of handholding and screaming out songs from the radio. Riley and I walked up to the door. Riley smoothed out her frilly dress and knocked softly on his front door. Her dress shimmered and her uncomfortable looking shoes shined in the sun.


Lucas' POV

I opened the door to my two favorite people: my girlfriend and my half friend. I saw the dress that Riley was wearing and what Maya was wearing. They obviously have different tastes in fashion. Riley's purple pastel dress was beautiful, but I couldn't help but look at Maya's trashy-but-attractive outfit: an oversized t-shirt that had the Dundies on it
(The band we're seeing), uggs, and a pair of sweats.
I leaned in and pecked Riley on the lips.
"You look stunning, but isn't this a casual event?"
"Yeah. It is. Riley just wanted to look nice for you," Maya said.
"Yeah, what she said!" Riley said.
"Okay then let's go,"
I closed the door and intertwined my hand in Riley's, even though I really wanted to hold Maya's gentle fingers.
"Is this the famous Lucas you've been going on and on about, Riley?" A brownish black haired guy said while grasping my hand firm in a handshake.
"Yep," I replied.
"I'm Josh. You can call me Josh," he said. Maya giggled at him and hit him on the shoulder in a friendly way.
"Let's get going the concert starts in 20 minutes!" Maya yelled in excitement.
We drove down to the concert and you wouldn't believe what we did!


next chapter will be in soon guys :))

xoxo love y'all

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