Chapter 14.

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Authors Note
Enjoy this chap.

Maya's POV

2 months later

The summer had ended and next week was Riley's funeral. We wanted to save it until we got back to New York so that her family could see her one last time. I'm doing pretty bad myself. Josh broke it off with me. Because We couldn't really deal with the long distance stuff and he has to focus more on his studies so that he can graduate. Apparently he can't focus on his school work when I'm around. I just went with it even though I'm miserable. "What about Lucas" you ask? Well, Lucas went back to his life down in Texas. I haven't seen him since Riley passed. Every time I think of him or see him, his eyes just remind me of Riley. I can't handle life right now.

Tomorrow is the first day back at JQAHS (John Quincy Adams High School). I have picked out the cutest outfit and the best backpack. I bought this back pack with Riley when we planned to go backpacking through Europe. A stream of tears came rolling down my face. I sat on my bed and heard a knock at the door. Josh.
"Knock knock,"
"Oh c'mon don't be that way,"
"I have great reasons to feel sad,"
"And what are those reasons?"
Josh walked over to my bed and plopped down on my left side. I looked him in the eyes and connected with him. The way we would connect everyday we were together. All there was was me and Josh. No drama, no family, no world.
"My best friend is dead, tomorrow is school, I'm in the foster system, and you broke my heart!" I yelled through my tears. Josh embraced me in a hug. I started to feel that same feeling again; just me and Josh. The smell of  his shirt reminded me of every time we would hug or I would cry into his chest. Tears streamed down my face. Josh leaned out of the hug and wiped the tears from my face and cupped his hand around my face.
"Can we start over? I know your mad and I broke your heart but I love you. I love you so much Maya Hart,"
I ignored what he said and stared into his deep brown eyes. I grabbed his face and pushed his lips against mine. This feeling. I love this feeling.
I leaned out about a cm away from his lips and whispered onto them, "yes, I love you, Joshua Matthews,"
I leaned back in and kissed him with passion. After a passionate ten minutes he left with a smile. I love him.
Next chap'll be in soon :)

They'll start school in the next chapter.

xoxo love y'all

A Trip to Remember | lucaya Where stories live. Discover now