Chapter 7.

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Author's Note
Enjoy this new update! It took me awhile to think up.
Riley's POV

"Lucas said yes!" I screamed in Maya's face.
"Okay when are we getting him?"
"Okay, I'll drive"
Uncle Josh walked in with a smirk across his face and put his arms around Maya's waist.
"No way! Last time, when I was training you for your license you almost broke my fence,"
"I've gotten better!" Maya said with confidence.
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, really!"
"Whatever. So I will drive?"
"FINE." Maya said hugging Josh. I'm confused. Are Josh and Maya? No! They can't be! That would make her my aunt! She would never do that!
Maya intertwined her fingers into Uncle Josh's. It only took seconds for them to lean in and...
"Are you guys.. together?" I asked concerned.
"I guess technically yeah we are." Uncle Josh answered. When he said that, a huge grin grew across Maya's face.
"Okay, I ship it," I said in a girly tone, "anyways what about that concert?" I asked. Everyone glared at the clock. 6:37, it read. Josh and Maya leaped into the car, taking driver's and front passenger's seat. I quickly threw on a flirtatious outfit that yelled "kiss me". I took my place in the back seat and unlocked my phone to see a text from Lucas.
"248 Ouau Parkway," I said.
"Okay," Uncle Josh replied.
We bucked up and Josh started the ignition. We were heading towards Lucas' house. Yay.

A Trip to Remember | lucaya Where stories live. Discover now