Chapter 4.

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Author's Note
Lucas' POV

It was around 3am and everyone was sound asleep. I couldn't sleep because thoughts of Maya raced around my head. I was laying flat and Riley was nuzzled up on my chest. I untangled myself out of Riley's arms and stood up. I almost fell over when my feet touched the floor. I walked over to the end of the bed and threw on my plain white t-shirt. I made my way quietly out of the door and headed towards the kitchen. When I closed the door I immediately saw the bright light of the television in the living room across from the couch

"Maya?" I asked quietly, checking if she was awake.

She rolled over back and forth on the couch and groaned in her sleep. I made my way over to the TV and turned off the bright screen. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass. I filled it halfway with water and started to head back to the bedroom.

"No!" I heard Maya yell out.

Is she awake? I made my way over to the couch and looked at the angel sprawled across the velvety cushions.

"Stop! Don't hurt him! No! Please don't hurt Lucas!" My eyes lit up when I heard my name spit out of Maya's  strawberry pink lips. "Don't!" I watched Maya sleep for awhile until I couldn't help it. I couldn't watch Maya go through her nightmares. It was just too much pain. I picked her up bridal style and carried her into the bedroom and gently set her on the bed. I tucked her in and quietly closed the door. I took her place on the couch and dozed off within a half hour.

The Next Morning

I woke up to the sound of nothing. Huh. Where is everyone? I got up and headed toward the bedroom. When I opened the door, the bed was made, the floor was clean, and the bathroom door was open. I walked into the bathroom to see a counter covered in necessities like: acne scrub, face mask, dry shampoo, a ton of hairbrushes, and anti-frizz hairspray. I wasn't surprised by the amount of makeup on Riley's side of the sink. She sure can pull off a pretty face. The only makeup I saw on Maya's  side though was mascara and it wasn't even opened. I'm surprised. I thought every living breathing girl wears makeup. I guess I was wrong. She has the prettiest face I have ever seen. How could she not wear makeup? I got dressed in cargo shorts and a blue tank top and made my way out the door towards the  breakfast taco truck.
"Two bacon burritos and a coffee please,"
I picked up my food and sat at a table with a perfect view of the ocean. The ocean blue water reminded me of Maya's beautiful orbs. I finished my breakfast and sat wondering about Maya and Riley for awhile. Who do I love? What was Maya dreaming about last night?
Why did I kiss Maya, I'm with Riley? I daydreamed for sometime until I just couldn't handle the pain of making a decision. I walked off the pier towards my beach house to see Maya holding hands with a tall guy with brownish black hair. Riley was with them too. Who was he? I walked into the house and plopped down on the couch.

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