Chapter 26.

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I'm planning on doing a sequel to this story of like either their graduation or college years.

Lucas' POV
My phone started buzzing the next morning. Maya was nuzzled up on my chest and was holding my hand against her heart. I felt its beat. The pace was steady, for she was a sleeping angel. I grabbed my phone with my free hand and answered.

"Hello?" I answered.
"Lucas?" She said.
"Hey, it's Missy,"
"Oh, hi Missy,"

Shit. I forgot about our date she planned with me all of a sudden.

"Hi. Why did you blow me off last night?"
"Did we have a thing last night?" I asked my voice trembling,
"Yes. You were supposed to take me to the movies again last night, but you weren't there so I went and watched the Notebook alone,"
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I thought you said next week not the next day, can you ever forgive me?"
"Of course, Lucas. I love you,"

In that moment I felt my hand again. Maya's gentle fingers interlocked with my muscular ones, making me feel safe. Maya's golden curls laid long across my masculine chest. For once, I feel like I belong. Maya was nothing like the girls back in Texas. She was different. Maya was a passionate feminist with a sarcastic tone. She makes me happy.

"Lucas?" Missy questioned.
"Y-yes, I stuttered.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Okay well I've got to get to cheer practice and then violin so I guess we can talk later?"
"Oh and one last question!"
"What time are you picking me up for homecoming?"
"Is 5:30 okay?"
"Great! Bye I love you,"
As soon as I got off the phone Maya silently said into my chest "Ha-hurr,"

"Goodmorning beautiful,"
"Rise and shine, sundance,"
I leaned in and kissed her pink plump lips.

4 Hours Later//4:00pm

2 Hours 'til Homecoming

Maya's POV
I scurried out of the car into the large department store with Topanga. We danced over to the dress section and began to search.

"So, Maya. What are you planning on wearing?"
"I don't really know. I was thinking something cute but not too flashy,"
"I can work with that,"

Topanga ran through the racks and picked out a couple of dresses in my size.

I walked into the dressing room and started to change.

The first dress was a floor length gown with a floral print. It wasn't really I don't know, me. This was more Riley and less Maya.
I threw the dress to Topanga and shimmied on the next one.
This one was a purple knee length dress. It shimmered in the light, but still wasn't me.
Once again, I threw the dress at Topanga and pulled over the next one.
This dress was me. It was a little bit above floor length and was a light baby blue. The bottom frayed out like spun cotton candy. This is the dress.
I modeled it for Topanga.

"Very funny,"
"No, really Maya. You're gorgeous. Any guy would be lucky to have you,"
A small smile popped on my face and we headed to the checkout.

"Is there a lucky man coming with this dress?" The cashier asked.
"Well he sure is the luckiest man alive,"
For a second there I thought I heard and saw Josh, for the cashier was an exact lookalike. His name was Hunter though, not Josh.

I grabbed the bag and headed back to the Matthews' home for some styling up.


30 Minutes 'til Homecoming

Lucas' POV

I stepped up onto Missy's doorstep and rang the doorbell. I held a lily corsage in my left hand. I bought a lily because earlier Maya said her favorite flowers were sunflowers or lilies. The door opened. A tall man and average woman stood upon me.
Mom and Dad.
"Have her home before 11," Missy's father said staring into my eyes.

Missy stepped out of the house. She was beautiful but not as beautiful as Maya. I grabbed her silk glove and we started to walk out to my car.

"Wait! I almost forgot!" Missy's mother yelled pulling out a large camera.

She snapped a few pictures and off we went.



Maya's POV
I walked with myself over to the punch bowl. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw Josh but I just ignored it for now. My hair poured over my shoulders and my dress frayed side to side, for Topanga was my personal stylist. I prance across the dance floor to see Farkle and Isadora Smakle. I give both of them a gentle hello and start up a conversation.

"You look beautiful, Maya," Farkle said eyeing me up in down in a nice, friendly way.
"You really do!" Smakle said.
"Thanks. You both look quite dashing," I say trying to be cute.

I grab a hold of the DJ and he takes a picture of me, Farkle, and Smakle. Farkle takes the picture from my hands.

"A night to remember. I love you guys," Farkle said hugging me and Smakle.
I give him a gentle peck on the cheek and walk off to find Lucas with Missy, Zay, and Aubrey.
I adjusted my hair and walked over to Lucas.
I gave him a kiss.
"I missed you," I whispered.
"LUCAS FRIAR WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Missy yelled pointing at me and Lucas.
"Missy, you're a nice girl but your not for me. Maya is the girl I TRULY love," in that moment I kissed Lucas and didn't let go of his embrace.

I stepped out of the kiss. Lucas and I then acted out how we met so we could be a cliche.

"You, me: we're gonna be a thing."
"Excuse me, and you are?"
"Oh, yeah me. Lucas. Lucas Friar."
"Maya Hart."
We touched hands in a handshake.
"A pleasure."

Did you like the last chap?

Gonna write a sequel if y'all want one so like/comment!

xoxo love y'all

A Trip to Remember | lucaya Where stories live. Discover now