Chapter 17.

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Authors Note

Maya's POV
I woke up to a dim morning. Tears poured down my cheeks. Today. I got up and washed my face. I shimmied on a black fitting dress from when I was 14. I decided not to put on any makeup because I knew I was going to cry. I ran down the stairs and grabbed a quick bite when I saw it: Amy, my foster sister, making out with Lucas. I quickly scurried out of the house with a half eaten bagel in hand, not making a sound. I went ahead and walked to Riley's house like old times.

I arrived at the Matthews household around 12:46pm. Upon arrival I saw tears and brokenness. I ran up to Topanga, Riley's mother, and embraced her in a hug.
"I'm so sorry,"
"It's okay, Maya,"

We sat down together on the orange couch where me and Riles would have Disney movie marathons and make huge forts that we would never clean up. A small tear slid down the side of my cheek.

"Mommy! Mommy! What's wrong with Daddy? And where's Riley?" Auggie yelled running into Topanga's arms.
"She's not here honey,"
"Well you see darling um-"
Her speech started to break so I quickly grabbed Auggie and explained the situation. He small doll hands cupped his face as rivers of salty tears streamed from his glassy eyes.
"It'll be okay Auggie. You got me, don't you?"
I grabbed his small clammy hands in my bony dry ones.
A small smile popped on to his face and spreaded to mine. He hugged me and I hugged back.
"Now let's go see Riley one last time,"
I grabbed Auggie's hand and we made our way toward the door.
¿short chapter?
next chap'll be in soon
xoxo love y'all

A Trip to Remember | lucaya Where stories live. Discover now