Chapter 18.

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Authors Note

Catching up with school is a pain.

MY MOM WAS ALL: "at least they got nominated"

Btw @gmwwriters replied to my tweet and they were all just keep watching and you'll find your answer. UGHHH.

**AN: this chapter happened before the last one**

Lucas' POV

The dismissal bell rang and I rushed over to Maya's locker so that I could tell her about the note. I started sprinting down the stairs when a beautiful girl with burgandy colored hair stopped me.

"What's the rush?"
"I have something important to take care of but it can wait now that your here,"
She giggled.
"I'm Amy Jefferson,"
"I'm Lucas Friar,"
I remember Maya telling me something about her foster family's name being the Jeffersons but at this point all I care about is Amy.
"So, you new here Lucas? You still got that "fresh meat" smell," she joked.
"Yeah. My dad got transferred to New York so me and my folks moved here,"
"That was a good decision. Now how about you and me skip along to my house for some getting to know each other stuff," she said with a sexy tone.
I grabbed her hand and we ran off to my car. Did I forget something? Wel whatever it is, it can wait. Thank God it's Friday.

The Next Morning

I made my last few kisses onto Amy's lips and started to leave.
"I can't let you off that easy,"
She grabbed me and planted a passionate kiss onto my lips.
I saw some girl with blonde hair in the corner of my eye. Maya. What have I done. I knew they were related. I leaned out and ran out of the house and made my way back home.

Shit! The funeral's in an hour. I have to prove to Maya she's wrong about me so I can win her back. I ran into my house and took a quick shower. After my shower I threw on my suit my dad gave me recently. I combed my hair and grabbed my eulogy and ran out to my car.

I arrived at the funeral to see sadness.

I've never really been to a funeral. I bet Maya has though. Speaking of Maya. I started to make my way towards Maya when I saw the unseeable: Maya and Josh together. Maya was laying her head on Josh's shoulder while Auggie sat on Josh's lap and held Maya's hand. They looked like a family. If Maya wants to play hard to get, bring it on. I call up Amy and tell her to sexy herself up and come to the funeral. Wanna play Maya? Let's go.
life sucks rn tbh.
Anyways laya is life 😊

next chap'll be in soon
xoxo love y'all

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