For the Unfaithful

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I have to be careful with every step I take. I'm walking on eggshells and paranoid with every word that comes my way. Is she going to find out? Does she already know?

I find myself constantly reading between the lines to see if she's hinting at something. I'm always very careful but I'm tired of living this way. I must tell my wife I have been unfaithful. I'm a terrible person but I want to make it right. I want to fix what's wrong. But is it too late?

God hates adultery and judges those who do so but since Jesus died for our sins the adulterer can still repent and be forgiven. There is no certainty your spouse will forgive you but they should still know what has been going on. There is always a chance things can work out, when you have God. There are ways that adultery can be prevented. We are the ones that make the choice.

Some like to say they weren't receiving what they needed from their spouse but this is why we must be completely open and honest with each other. If you aren't receiving your needs then there is a chance you will be tempted to look elsewhere for them. Your spouse may not even know that they aren't fulfilling them. Let them know and they will be more understanding then they would if you were to cheat on them.

He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself.
Proverbs 6:32

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