For The Ones Who Can't Catch a Break

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I'm so sick of this. I never get to do anything for me. Everything I do is for everyone else. I take care of my son, I try and make sure the house is up to my husbands standards, I'm working and going to school and oh yeah let's throw in volunteering at church and going to bible study.

It's my first week of work and all I wanted to do was get myself a shirt but we get to the mall and my son wouldn't stop screaming. I could feel my blood boiling why couldn't my husband just say "I've got it, go look." ? My head was pounding. I can't be the only one that deals with my sons attitude.

I need help!!!!! And at least my husband gets to go out and have fun tonight. I mean seriously. Why can't I get what I want just once? I'm so sick of everyone around me doing everything they can to get what they want and me just sitting back and letting them while I just give. I'm done.

What I have realized is that it's hard to focus on what God wants when I am worried about what I want. Do I deserve to feel appreciated and get a break every once in awhile? Yes, but unless I put my focus on God, those things won't come to me.

Once I seek him first he will provide for me what I need and hopefully that comes with my sanity.

Do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2

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