For Those With Impure Thoughts

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I'm sick, sick, sick. Why can't I get these thoughts out of my head. I know it's wrong but my imagination keeps running with the idea and I like it. I wish I didn't and I feel so ashamed. I don't know what to do but I can't tell anyone for fear of judgement. The temptation is just so strong. I'm a horrible person and I wish it would all just go away.

Impure thoughts are something everyone deals with at some point in their lifetime and overcoming them is a true battle. Temptations come in many forms and no one is immune from them. But what can we do when we are constantly being tortured with these thoughts?

The first thing to remember is Christ. He died on the cross for you to win your battle. Even he was tempted in the desert before He died for us. God lets the devil tempt us so that he can test our faith and trust in Him. Remember the story of Job. God was in control. I feel it's important to remember that. He is always in control and if you trust him, he will help you get through it.

In fighting this battle you will have ups and downs just when you think you are through it, that thought will come back to you. The important thing to do is to ask God for wisdom. Ask Him to get to the root of the issue and to heal you from it. Remember to have faith and it will happen. Don't get discouraged when you fall but get back up and keep reaching towards God. He is the answer. And remember...

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

1 Corinthians 10:13

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