For Those Looking in the Wrong Places

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Why can't my husband reassure me that everything is going to be okay?

I'm the one that is always doing that. When he has a huge stressor, I talk it out with him, I tell him it's going to be okay and I give him positive possible outcomes and plans to make it all better.

Sometimes I wish he could do the same for me. He says it's okay but doesn't know how to reassure me that it will, like I know how to for him.

I have learned though that I am looking for reassurance in the wrong place. I need to come to God when I have a problem and not expect it from my husband. My husband isn't perfect and I can't expect him to know what I need without telling him.

God on the other hand knows us intimately. He knows our every thought, our every action and feeling. He is the only one who knows us in and out. So, of course he should be the one we go to when we need reassurance or ANYTHING else. Once you turn yourself over to God and let him help you and heal you, you will find a peace that can't be found through anyone else.

Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.
Isaiah 12:2

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