For Those Who Can't Find Balance

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I feel like I'm laying on the ground with a layer of bricks on top of my body. Each brick represents something that I have to do on a weekly basis.

Between starting a new job, going to school, volunteering at the church, being a mother and wife and trying to fit in church on Sundays and Bible Study on Wednesdays, I'm exhausted.

I feel so overwhelmed right now that I feel like just quitting it all. I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day and I feel like I have made a strong commitment to everything so I can't cut anything out. But if I don't I fear that my families needs won't be met.

I need to find a way to balance all this and still have time with God as well. Are there enough hours in the day?

God doesn't want us to feel overwhelmed. If we seek Him first, everything else will fall into place. I guess if I make time for God, He will make time for everything else in my life to work out. Through Him I will find balance.

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33

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