For the Imperfect Parent

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"That's why your kid is the way they are!!!"

"Why don't you do this?"

"Well what your doing isn't working."

Sound familiar? These are the words parents are too often used to hearing. As parents we never feel like we are doing things right. With every move we make we are second guessing whether or not we are ruining our children. We often abuse ourselves with these words.

We are found crying behind our kids doors after they fall asleep because we don't feel like we are doing a good job. We get enough abuse from ourselves so when we hear judgement from other parents it feels ten times worse. They know how it feels to feel inadequate. They know we already beat ourselves up enough. So why do they even bother saying what we already beat ourselves up over?

I've struggled with this since I became a parent. Constantly beating myself up over a decision I made that day. I have heard it all from other parents too. When you are constantly hearing bad things about your child and the way you raise them, it weighs down on you heavily.

Sometimes I feel myself saying "I just want this day to be over so I can start over tomorrow." Why is it that when it feels like it's going bad that we don't feel like it can be fixed?

As Parents, Christians, human beings, we run into hardships. At times we will feel inadequate. Whether we are beating ourselves up or being judged by others we need to try and see things through God's eyes.

When our kids aren't behaving in a way that is "socially appropriate" or we are just having a terrible day and feel like everything is out of control, we need to be still. Just as God made our children for a reason and created them with their own personalities and physical traits, he also chose us as the parents for our specific children.

As parents we are there to help mold our children into the people God has designed them to grow up to be. He has given them certain traits and he sees in us the ability to work through the not-so-easy ones to deal with. God doesn't give us more then we can handle and just like He wants our children to grow, the challenges we are faced with as parents will help us grow too.

If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything."
1 John 3:20

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