For Those Holding onto Resentment

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I'm so sick of remembering what he has done to me. I pretend it doesn't bother me but it does.

My dad was never around. On the weekends when we had to see him he was working or he would stick us in church all day or with a babysitter while he and his new wife were at home builders. What was the point in going if he never even saw us.

And now the only time he comes and sees me and my son is when his other daughter needs something. I can't stand him.

In the story about Joseph he had every right to be resentful towards his brothers after they had mistreated him and sold him into slavery. But he didn't. Joseph forgave them and lived his life for God. He did good for others and even treated his brothers well after they met again.

We should all strive to be like Joseph in that way. He thought about how being sold into slavery was in Gods plan for him and how he lived a good life. He trusted God and His plan. Even when something seems bad in our lives God has a greater purpose.

And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.
Genesis 45:5

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