For the Ones Filled with Pride

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Ugh I hate when my husband and I are fighting. It's just one back handed comment after the next back and forth until we take a break and start it up all over again.

I know I should just keep my mouth shut when he says something. My spirit tries to stop me but that damn pride of mine always wins.

I can't let him get the last word and forget it if you think I'm going to be the first one to say sorry. Just the thought of saying it makes me want to puke. I wish I didn't have this pride that took over.

I want to be a good wife but my pride makes me not want to. I shouldn't be the only one trying. I feel like if I throw away my pride then I will be the only one actually working on the relationship. But I guess right now no one is.

God hates pride. It doesn't do good for anyone to be prideful. It gets in the way of what God has planned for us and how He wants us to conduct our lives. He wants us to let go of our pride and show His love through us.

The Lord Almighty has a day in store for all the proud and lofty,
for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled)

Isaiah 2:12

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