For the Insecure

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Their words just keep replaying in my head. I wish I looked different. Why did I have to be born with such an ugly face?

Every time I like a guy, and they find out, I get the same response.

"Please tell me your joking."

"Why do all the ugly chicks like me?"

"Ewww not her."

They know I can hear them or that my friends will tell me if they don't end up saying it in front of me. How can they be so cruel? Why does this happen every time? I just wish I could have surgery to fix the way I look.

I'm tired of being laughed at behind my back. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep at night over the way I look. I just wish I could fix myself.

God made all of us unique. Not only in our looks but in our individual personalities. He made us in His image. Just think about that. He made us in His Image. He thought out who we would be and to Him we are all his beautiful creations. Like statues to a sculpture we are made purposefully, a certain way.

Don't let the words of others make you doubt yourself. I have realized over the years that you won't be attractive to everyone, just like you aren't attracted to everyone. But to that one special person you will be the most beautiful or the most handsome person in the world and the thing that makes you more beautiful then ever is showing Christ's love through you. Let it shine through your heart to others and be content with what you have. God has a reason for everything. Love him first and he will show you how to love yourself as he does.

no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me," declares the Lord.
Isaiah 54:17

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