For The Outraged Mother

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It makes me sick feeling like everyone expects the worst from my son. He has had his behavioral problems but he has gotten so much better, and no one sees that.

The last two days he has done particularly well with listening and playing nicely and he has never had a problem at school. It makes me angry when others are quick to put blame on him.

Last night, I was watching all the kids and they played well together. When I finally came inside for a break everyone started getting on my son for every little thing. This makes him agitated and he starts acting up because all anyone does is yell his name.

Not too long after that the kids were watching a movie and my son comes out and says one of the other kids pulled his hair. And he usually doesn't come and tell me these things because he can handle himself. But it ended up being that it was my sons fault, the other child couldn't have possibly hurt him because my son is the "mean child."

It hurts my heart to know that no one believes him when he says he has gotten hurt but if another child says he did something, here comes the persecution.

I know God doesn't want me to dwell on this but the Mama Bear in me is outraged. I just have to know that God is working in me and my son's lives and is making us new. If others don't see it, it shouldn't matter because God knows that he is changing us. He knows how far we have come.

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Galatians 1:10

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