For Those Who have Suffered a Loss

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I can't believe she's really gone. We have always been there for each other like sisters. There are so many moments in the day where I pick up my phone to call her and realize that she's not going to be there to pick up.

It doesn't even feel real. Now I have to live my life without her. That will be the hardest thing I will ever have to do.

When we go through loss it is very difficult to see God's purpose in it. We don't want to believe that he would let a loved one die. Some even turn away from Him in times like these, when we need Him the most.

We shouldn't weep for the dead but weep for ourselves because we are just waiting for the day when we can rejoice with God and be welcomed into His Kingdom and see our loved ones again.

Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalms 30:5

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