Chapter 11: Take What's Left of Me

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Seiko: "You killed him, he's dead!" I cried I fell to the ground.

Lamar: "Seiko calm down he's not dead ! I promise you !

Seiko: I looked up at Lamar. "Why didn't you just let me handle it Lamar ! Why put me through all this stress! I screamed. "Take me to him !

Lamar:"Fuck Seiko," I helped her up and we walked back to the dungeon.

Seiko:As soon as I walked in my stomach turned upside down and I held my mouth. Daniel was sitting barbed wired to the chair his eyes were so swollen I couldn't tell if they were opened or closed. His fingernails were dug up his nose was turned and broken, his mouth was busted and swollen he had slices all over him from his neck on down he had peed and pooped his pants and blood was running from his mouth. His face layed hanging down he didn't move. "Get the fuck out everybody now! I yelled. I pulled out the strap Lamar had given me when we were together and shot up towards the roof everybody ducked and ran out. Lamar still stood so I pulled the gun on him "Lamar you got 5.2 seconds to leave this motherfucker or your dead ! I yelled. He looked shocked but left the room. By this time Daniel sat his head up weakly. He tried to speak but he just kept coughing up blood. "It's okay I shook my head, I was crying hysterically I put the gun down and started trying to take the barbed wire off of his hands I was cutting my fingers so I grabbed a tshirt that was on the floor wrapped it around my hand and pulled the wire off. He tried to stand but couldn't get up so I put his arm over my shoulder and helped him up he screamed in pain. Asia came in not before throwing up all over the floor she finally came to help me she was crying hard I could tell it was to much for her. We lifted him even though he kept screaming he was loosing a lot of blood we put him in the backseat of my car, I begged Asia to drive so I could sit in the back with Daniel to make sure he didn't go unconscious.

Asia: I couldn't even process half of everything that happened at any second I felt like I would pass out I drove as fast as I could driving through red lights and all I couldn't believe Lamar and even Troy could do this,no one deserved this. Seiko was screaming for me to go faster because he was beginning to close his eyes. I stepped on the gas faster I turned the corner and parked right in front of emergency I jumped out and grabbed some doctor who was standing with a clip board. "Please help he needs help ! I dragged her to the car and her eyes bulged out her head she screamed for a stretcher and about five people lifted Daniel out the car and ran him to the ER Seiko never got out the car when I opened the door she wasn't crying she just stared straight ahead her clothes and hands were covered in blood her eyes were blood shot red I had never seen Seiko look so bad and just out of it.

Seiko:Before they took Daniel he told me he was sorry and that he loved me before closing his eyes, he was gone I just knew he wouldn't make it he lost to much blood I had never seen so much blood and the smell was horrific I just felt like dying everything was my fault I'm so stupid. And Lamar is someone I could never be with I never knew he was even capable of doing something so sick I just don't understand I thought he would ruff Daniel up a little bit but damn near kill someone I thought he was done with that. No I don't believe what Daniel did to me was right yeah I could've died but I would never want that to happen to anyone else. I could've handled it on my own. Now I don't know what to do or what to feel nothing matters to me all I know is that I have to get away and soon.

One month later...

Daniel:Everything was dark I kept feeling someone hold my hand but I couldn't react. Was I dead ? "Baby please wake up we miss you so much"someone cried. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't remember where I heard it before. I tried to move my fingers to tell who ever it was there that I could hear them. "Oh my god doctors docters he squeezed my hand"! The same person screamed. I felt a pinch on my arm and someone calling my name. I finally got the strength to open one eye but I soon closed it because the light was to bright. "Okay Daniel if you can hear me give me signals when you feel a pinch the doctor said. I felt a pinch on my arm and moved my foot than another on my side and I moved my fingers and then I felt a whole bunch of pain on my stomach that's when I opened my eyes I wanted to scream the pain was that bad. After fully adjusting to the light I could somewhat make out faces,my mom my little brother and grandmother was there."My baby I thought I lost you"! She cried and hugged me I reached out my hand and pointed to my throat I couldn't speak because my throat was so dry.My little brother ran to get me water and before I knew it I had drunken three bottles of water.My body still felt like shit docters told me I had two broken ribs a piece of my pelvic bone was broken,I had a busted head but they stitched me up but it would take a while to heal.They also told me that I might not be able to play basketball again it all depends on how I heal.My mom kept asking me what happend but I didn't want to tell her even though I could've died I think I deserved everything. I shouldn't have never done that to Seiko I loved that girl she was the last thing on my mind before I went unconscious that day at the hospital."Mom has Seiko come to visit at all?I said in a raspy voice."Yes she comes to visit you every Friday that girl has the heart of an angel, especially after what you did to her. I looked at my mom shocked."Wait she told you everything? Why'd you ask me if you already knew?"Because I wanted to see if you would tell me and yes Daniel. Poor girl broke down after the day she dropped you off at the hospital she fainted,the docters said she was under to much stress so now she's going to counseling and I believe next month her and Asia are moving to Miami or something. I was speechless,"Damn." Was all I could say.

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