Chapter 19: Sweetest Thing

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Lamar: I slid from underneath Seiko careful not to wake her up. I grabbed my fit for the day I chose my all black Armani suit and all black dress shoes with my dark red tie. I proceeded into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hopped in the shower. It was 5 in the morning and I had a meeting at 630 and had to check up on the club to make sure business was running smoothly. After I was finished I walked out and put my clothes in the dirty clothes basin. When I looked at the bed I noticed it was empty and so was the crib. I grabbed my phone it was 545 so I had to get going in a little. I walked down the stairs and saw Seiko cooking above the stove. I snuck up behind her grabbing hold of her waist from the back and snuggling my face into her neck kissing on it gently. "Good morning baby." I spoke as I made my way up to her lips kissing them until she invited me in. After a minute she pulled back giving me one last peck on the lips. "Where's my little man?" I backed up. "He's sleep in the swing." She responded. "What time do you have to be at your meeting?" She questioned. I looked at my phone and it was 6 o'clock on the dot. "Now!" I said while stealing some bacon of the plate and running before she tried to swing. I laughed and went into the living to check on my son.

Seiko: Lamar plays way to damn much. I had fixed biscuits, bacon and eggs. Not too much because I knew he couldn't stay long to eat. I finished making his plate after turning off the stove. I walked in the living room and Lamar was holding and walking around rocking Lamar Jr. trying to put him back to sleep. "Give me him, so you can hurry up and eat." I sat the plate on the coffee table as Lamar passed him over to me. I grabbed his blanket so I could breast feed him because I knew he was hungry. We sat and watched tv for about five minutes until Lamar got up to put his plate up and get ready to leave. He grabbed his jacket, phone and keys before walking over lifting up the blanket to give baby Mar a kiss on the forehead and soon after giving me a kiss on the lips. "Alright, love you babe I'll call you later!" He said while making his way toward the door. "Ok, I love you too!" I yelled before I heard the door close.

Seiko: I put the blanket over my shoulder so I could pat baby Mar so he could burp. After about 5 mins he burped. I got up so we could get our day started. I had a lot to do. I had to pick up Asia and Angela from the airport at 11am and had to get everything ready by the time Lamar came home around 6pm. I went upstairs to change baby Mar diaper and give him a wash up. After I finished up with him he had fallen back to sleep which was great for me because I could clean up and do all that I needed too. I put him in his crib and began cleaning up our room and bathroom. After I was done I plugged up the baby monitor while I cleaned up downstairs. The guest bedrooms were already clean since I had cleaned them the day before and had to use one because Lamar was taking so long in our bathroom this morning. I left Izzy out so she could use the bathroom. After I finished cleaning downstairs I sat for a couple of minutes I was so tired. This house was too damn big I didn't want to but pretty soon I would have to hire a maid because it was just to much for me. I walked back up stairs and checked on my baby he was still sleeping peacefully. It was going on 10'o'clock so I had about an hour to get in the shower and get dressed before I had the pick up Asia and Angela from the airport. I was so fucking excited to see my cousins and their babies. I hopped in the shower, shaved and washed up. I knew I was changing later so I just grabbed some basic jeans, a white tank with my cute black leather jacket with my chestnut Bailey bow Uggs. After finishing my hygiene on cue baby Mar woke up crying. I picked him up to breastfeed. After he was full I grabbed a blanket and patted him until he burped. I changed his diaper and put on his clothes. My baby was so fucking adorable he was looking like his dad more and more everyday. I gave him his pacifier and strapped him up in his car seat. I had about 15 minutes to get to the airport which was about 25 minutes away. I knew they wouldn't be on time exactly because they had to get their luggage and stuff. I grabbed my keys, phone and baby Mar's diaper bag before picking up his car seat and walking downstairs. I sat his car seat down and went to let Izzy back in. I made sure to put her food and water in the bowl before picking back up baby Mar and locking up and leaving out. I had to be back soon so Izzy's babysitter could come and get her. I strapped up baby Mar securely in the car before making my way to the drivers seat. I was taking the 8 seater BMW van since we all couldn't fit in my car. Lamar was calling me on my way to the airport. I answered and put on the Bluetooth to talk to him through the car speaker.

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