Chapter 1

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AN: Okay here is the sequel that everyone has been asking and waiting for... so enjoy...



Chapter 1

(Andera’s POV)

            “Andy?” I heard someone whisper as I was still stuck in a great dream that I didn’t want to wake up. Nobody likes waking up from their good dreams.

            “No mom… five more minutes,” I mumbled rolling over burying my head further into the comfort of my comfy bed-sheets and going back to sleep.

            “Andy… we have to get up. We have an hour to be ready for the interview,” voiced my boyfriend softly.

            “Lou… just let her sleep in… she was up most of the night with Ellis,” Harry butted in sighing. I could imagine him running a hand through his curls.

            “But…” I heard Lou whine, “I want her to be there… she promised.” Awe poor baby...I chuckled inwardly.

            “Tommo… she’s been to every one… let’s just let her sleep in for once,'' Liam stated calmly. Go Daddy Direction... I mentally fist pumped.

            “She’ll go with us to the charity dinner…” the sound of an Irish accent echoed in the other room.

            “Remember we’re going with her to David’s fashion show this weekend too,” mused a velvety voice, which could only mean Zayn.

            I didn’t hear anything after that, but everyone moving around, and soon I heard the door to the suite shut close.

            Peace at last, I sighed out loud. I rolled back over onto my back and look up at the ceiling above me. What a year it has been so far...

            Better explain huh? My name is Andrea ‘Andy’ Combs, I made a wish on my 35 birthday to be 21 again, and to find love, wish came true, and now I’m legally 21 again, and luckily I’m dating the Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. We met at one of their M&G’s back in London, and the next morning, surprisingly, we were staying at the same hotel, had breakfast together, well I did with all five, and we hit it off from there. We shared a kiss in a toy store with Harry there… they were playing with the toys. Then we later said that we loved each other… I did end up telling him the truth, and he didn’t care… he loved me for me. No magic needed there.

            No matter the age, after a lot of explanations though, I convinced him with some help from a fake Simon or my own personal fairy godfather or sprite guide, everything worked out. The only loss was that of my mother, who passed away during Hurricane Sandy, the boys helped my through it. We just spent Christmas together with his family, along with the lads since their family plans didn’t work out. Not to mention, Eleanor Calder, but she was dealt with accordingly... she's alive... not dead... just very intimidated... if you have friends like mine, you would be too.

            To explain about Ellis the boys talked about earlier before they left, he and Max, my two BFF's that are gay and married. I was now working for Ellis who owns a fashion company, as Max ran his restaurants… which he was going to be opening another one sometime next year… and I couldn’t wait. Without them… I wouldn’t be where I am today with Louis. They paid for my concert and trip to London to the show, and entered me in the M&G concert that Simon Cowell (the real one) himself was running, which of course, I won.

If I Had You ~ Sequel to 11:11 Wish (Louis Tomlinson FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now