Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

(Andy’s POV)

            The next day, we were at the arena and we had a few hours before the boys' concert so I wanted to order some food because I was starving and am eating for three, and I wanted to talk to Lou about wedding plans.

            "Who's hungry?" I asked and of course Niall was the first to raise his hand. “Alright, how about Chinese? I’m really craving it!"

            They all gave each other a nod of approval and looked back at me. "Sounds great!" they said.

            I dialed the number on the back of the brochure Paul had given me after I got what everyone wanted.

            "Hey don't forget the egg rolls!" Niall yelled which did sound really good.

            I ordered everyone’s order and mine, the lady on the other end said they would have it delivered in about a half hour. I hung up the phone and went and sat down next to Lou.

            The boys were playing some game while Lou watched them, it was a great time for me to ask him about the wedding.

            “Lou…” I said softly.

            “Ya,” he said and looked at me.

            “We need to talk about the wedding? Do we wait after the twins are here, or do we want it sooner?” I asked.

            “Well, we could plan it sooner… when are the twins coming?” he asked.

            I did the math last night, “Well, I know that I wouldn’t be able to carry full term, but they might have to be born in November.”

            “What? Why?” he asked.

            “It’s risky to carry them to a full 40 weeks. So either 34 or 36 weeks, just depends on when they want to be here.”

            He nods, “Right.” He touches my stomach. “I want to know more…”

            I nod, “Read the book Janice gave us, it’ll help all of us.” I sighed, “After this tour, I might be put on bed rest.”

            “Bed rest…” he paused, “mom was on bed rest with the twins.”

            I nod, “So I might have to too.”

            “So… we better get married sooner.”

            “I know it’s mid-July, but if we get married say late September, that’s two months from now. Doesn’t need to be huge, just our closest friends and family.”

If I Had You ~ Sequel to 11:11 Wish (Louis Tomlinson FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now