Anonymous Source?? Really?

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My heart thudded in my chest as I replayed the past week, when I realized I was in love with Louis.


I flopped on my bed, exhausted from my latest fight. Which I lost. . . barely. Mason and Jack were actually proud of how well I had done, they told me that I would beat my opponent the next time around that we fought. I was so thankful to have such a good coaching staff. 

I flipped onto my back, getting ready to get up and take a shower when an envelope caught my eye. The letter! I had totally forgotten about the letter I had found in my locker, and hadn't gotten the chance to read it! Springing up from the bed, not really, I kind of slid off the bed onto the floor with a thud- yes, I fell. I grabbed the letter from my desk, where I had thrown it along with various other papers from school. My hands shook in anticipation as I fumbled to open it. I ended up tearing the envelope instead of neatly opening it, somehow managing to not rip the papers inside. I pulled out the letter, unfolded it, and smiled at the writing. It was typed out in a purple colour.


Uhm hi there? I don't really know how to start something like this? So hi? Yeah, we'll go with that. So some of this is going to sound really stalkerish, but I promise that you and I have spoken and hung out so this isn't like me saying that I have watched you from afar for the past 7 years, well I have, only for two years though, but not like in a creepy, stalker way. . . okay I think you get the point. 

So uhm where do I start? Let's start with the first time I truly saw you.

-It was two years ago, during back to school night. My mum had dragged me to go, she wanted to meet all of my teachers and scope out the girls for me. I'm not joking. We were headed to see my Math's teacher, Mr. Johnson. It was his first year at our school, so my mum thought she should warn him about my lack of mathematics skills. I waited outside the classroom when I saw you. You were wearing black skinny jeans, (big surprise) your black converse, and a black Ramones shirt. Your hair was pulled up into a tight pony tail that looked so painful! Not the point. You barely had any makeup on, and your hand was clutched firmly in Layla's.

Layla was going on a rant about some date she had gone on, from what I'd heard it didn't go too well. You didn't really seem to be paying much attention to what she was saying, since you were dragging her down the hall towards the exit. You paused when Layla screamed out in pain, she had tripped over someone's bag and twisted her ankle. 

You looked so impatient, tapping your foot and looking everywhere else but your best friend. I was instantly intrigued. We made eye contact and I could, from a distance, see the blush on your cheeks, along with your mouth parting slightly. Me? I just stared at you in wonder, you were so beautiful, so mysterious. But the moment only lasted a few seconds when Layla tugged at your hand and you had to literally carry her out to your car.

I could hear you whispering to her, asking if she knew who I was. Which of course she did, she filled you in on all the gossip. That was the first time I ever saw you, and most certainly not the last. The first day of school you avoided me like the plague, I can't blame you, the rumours were horrible, but mostly true. . .  

I had asked my best mate who you were, he had no idea, of course. I tried numerous ways to get your attention, all negative ways of course. But you always scowled, or rolled your eyes at me. As my reputation grew over the next two years, it only got worse.

Then this year, someone had heard me talking about how I actually planned to get a girlfriend this year, which I hoped would end up being you. . .  not going to lie. But you made it so difficult. I can't give away too much information, because that wouldn't keep me anonymous.

Those two years I went back and forth from hating you to liking you. I heard so many things about you; like how rich you are, how stuck up you are, and how greedy you are. I learned over time that none of those traits are you, at all. Well except the rich one, but its not about money. I also heard the amazing things you did, from volunteering at shelters (both for people and animals) to charity work. That also helped me realize that you're not as bad as people made you out to be.

For most of this year, I still hated you. I guess it was more from you ignoring me, but also I couldn't let you see the soft side of me, I didn't know you personally, so you could've hurt me.

I can't say too much more, I mean, I could but you'd have like a novel in your hands. You probably want to know how I got this into your locker, it's simple. . .  I asked the janitor for help, saying that I had forgotten my code. She didn't think anything of it, just opened it and then told me to go to the office the next morning to get a new copy of the code. Hence why there was no damage to your locker.

Okay so that's all I can say. . .  for now. . .  but I can't reveal myself too soon. So. . . yeah. Have a good day, beautiful! :)  

-Anonymous Source 

As I finished reading the letter, I couldn't wipe the dopey smile off my face. Who was this mystery person??? As I thought harder and harder, I gasped as I realized who had written this. I had received this letter a few months ago, and had totally forgotten about it until now. 

Louis. . .  he had written this before the bet! Did he still feel this way for me? He couldn't. . . could he? No, he had given me the cold shoulder, and now with the bet? Yeah, no, he didn't. Maybe the beginning of the year he still felt these things for me, but not now. Not after the party and everything.

I mean sure I had taken the blame, and had endless hours of community service (more than the required, because I am a good person) gone to the required classes I had to do, but still? Oh yeah, the punishment. . .  well my parents were slowly easing up on my restrictions. My mum at first threatened to move back to London, which would suck! I have lived in California since I was three years old,  I don't know what I would do if I had to leave here. I mean, sure I have gone back to visit family.

Another shocker struck me as I recapped this past year. I had learned a lot about Louis and his mates, they had all moved here together when they were five. All of their mothers were best friends in highschool, and had run into each other at a pediatricians office when the boys were three. They had a lot to catch up on and after a year of debating, decided to up and move to the States, moving into the same neighborhood to stay in touch, and to make sure the five boys remained friends.

I know none of that is related to the letter, but this letter made me go back through everything that had happened this year. Anywhore, back to the topic at hand- Louis.

After reading the letter what felt like seven million times, but was only ten times, I realized that I loved him. The realization of this hit me like a tonne of bricks and I suddenly felt queasy. The bet! I couldn't possibly tell him, no, I had to win this bet! I refuse to lose to him, he couldn't know how I felt, especially if he didn't feel the same. No, I wouldn't tell him, or give any clues or reasons for him to find out.

I tucked the note back safely under a stack of books on my desk and proceeded to head to the shower, the one place I could think clearly without some sort of distraction

*End of Flashback*

Wow. I had vowed to myself not to tell him, and look where that got me.

**A/N- Sorry for the shitty chapter, this was mainly just a filler chapter after a few people messaged me to ask what lead up to the revealing of Mackenzie's feelings, and to Louis'. Please give me some sort of feedback! xxoxx -Tracy

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