Auctions and Bad Parenting

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"Alright Mackenzie, focus. Don't think about Louis, he's fine. Think of the fight. Focus. Focus. Fo-" My thoughts were interrupted by Layla slapping me across the face. 

"Mackenzie! Get your shit together, your fight is in a few days and we cannot risk you losing this match over some breakup. It's not fucking worth it. I know you miss him, but remember he was a complete jackass and that you can do so much better!" I could feel her spit splattering on my cheeks. 

In order to pull this whole gig off, we couldn't tell Mason a single thing. I wanted to tell him and Jack what was going on, but Louis swore that nobody can be trusted until this whole thing blows over. I don't know how this is going to pan out, but I really need to get my shit together. Layla might think that I am just acting like I miss Louis, but I truly do miss him. We hardly get to see each other anymore, and I am worried that something might go wrong in our plan and I don't know what I would do if something happened to him.

"I know, I'm sorry. I can't stop wondering if I overreacted, you know? Was I too quick to judge? I mean, for all I know that girl wasn't important at all and I was just being a possessive girlfriend." I furrowed my brows and looked at my fists wrapped up in tape.

"Kenz, you did the right thing, trust me. I know that it is hard right now, but think about how it'll feel in the long run. You don't want to get caught up in Louis' games again do you? I know that I don't want to be wrapped around Niall's slimy fingers again. We're better off without them, we are strong independent women who don't need no man, or men I guess!"

I nodded my head and shot her a quick wink before turning my attention back to Mason who was not-so patiently waiting for me to get back to training. When Layla and I had told him what 'went down' with our boyfriends he almost went on a killing spree, I guess you can say that him and I have a strong friendship now.

*** Later that night***

"Mum! Dad! I'm home!" I threw my gym bag down at the bottom of the stairs before jogging into the dining room where my parents waited, the table already set for dinner.

"Hi darling, I know you told us not to wait for you to have dinner, but we hardly see you anymore and we wanted to have dinner as a family." My father smiled at me, pulling out a chair for me to sit down.

"Oh, well thank you! You guys really are trying to make it up to me aren't you?" My mum shot me a quick glare which made me chuckle. "Relax mum, I'm only joking. It is nice to have you guys around more. I will admit that it is still pretty weird for me to come home and find you guys waiting here for me."

"Well it is quite an adjustment, but I feel like we will all benefit from it. Speaking of benefits, we are going to a charity event the night before your fight and we were hoping you would attend with us, kind of like a family event?" My dad seemed so uncertain about bringing up this question to me. They hadn't brought me to a charity event since I was nine.

"That sounds good to me, uhm, sorry mum. I mean that sounds like a splendid idea! What kind of event is this for? Do I need to get a new dress? Do I need a date?" My mum shot me a nasty look when I hadn't seemed overly enthusiastic about attending with them. 

"We ordered a dress for you, I think you will love it. And no, you will not need a date, this is an auction for the orphans, we are raising as much money as we can to upgrade the orphanage for them. We were actually thinking of having you as part of the auction, seeing as you are available now with that Louis boy out of the picture. I entered you as a part of the auction. Picture this, a date with the Fenton's only daughter goes to the highest bidder!" My mother was practically head over heels for her own idea, my dad looked horrified, and I probably looked like I just ate raw sewage. 


***A/N- This is just a filler chapter, I still have awful writer's block but I wanted to update this book as soon as I could, so I threw this together and spent the last two weeks fixing it up. Sorry if it sucks! Lots of love! -Tracy xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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