What have I gotten myself into?

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I groan as I walk through the door, greeted by my parents and their luggage. They both give me guilty smiles which I dismiss, not really fazed. This happens way more than it should. They weren't supposed to leave for another two days, but that wouldn't stop them. They would more than likely make up some sort of excuse for why they were leaving early.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, we got a call from our boss saying we need to be there early. Don't worry we will be back before you know it!" My mum chirped, kissing my head before dashing out the door. My dad gave me a sympathetic look which I ignored. He gave me a small side hug before following my mother, slamming the door behind him. I watched from the window as they threw their luggage into the back of a cab, and as soon as they were in, their lips were attached, making me cringe. Yeah 'business trip' my ass. What can I say, at least they are still happy in their relationship.

My phone buzzed, almost scaring the piss out of me, almost. I pull it out to see Layla's name on the screen.

"Hello John's sperm bank, you jack it we pack it, this is Alejandro speaking, how may I help you today?" I smirk, awaiting her disgusted reaction.

"Ew Kenz oh my gosh! That is so disgusting! Why can't you be more. . . " She trailed off, trying to find a word that she thinks wouldn't offend me.

"Ladylike? Psh you have known me for like, ever, you should know that I won't be ladylike, until pigs fly! Anywhore what's up my number one side hoe!" I giggle, knowing she is probably rolling her eyes at me and my immaturity. 

"Wanna hang out tonight? I have popcorn, candyfloss and movies!" She squeals and I chuckle, shaking my head at my hyper best friend.

"I wish I could, buuuut, I have to tutor Satan," I reply seriously and I wait for a response. I can't even hear her breathing. "Layla? Did you die or something? Should I call for help?" I ask jokingly, knowing that she is alive, probably just shocked into oblivion.

"Louis. Tomlinson. Is. Coming. Over. To. Your. House?" She said, trying to connect the dots.

"No the other Satan! Yes Louis! He will be here any minute and I just want to get this over with so I can eat food and pass out! Maybe if I'm lucky he will forget about our session and just not show up!" I groan, running a hand through my hair. I drop my book bag by the stairs before going into the kitchen and getting me a tall, refreshing glass of lemonade.

"Is that a good idea Kenz? Aren't your parents away for business? I know I sound like an overprotective something, mother, father, brother, uncle, neighbor, chicken, whatever, but I know as well as you know that he isn't the greatest guy out there," She says and I roll my eyes.

"Says the girl who looks like she wants to jump Niall's bones every time she sees him, remember they are in the same posse! Also! You were the one suggesting I get with him!" I smirk. The doorbell rings and I sigh, already assuming who was stood on the other side waiting to murder me with boredom.

"Was that the doorbell? Oh can I come over, pretty please!" She asks, surprising me, the girl has the hearing of a hawk. Or whatever creature had super good hearing. Why on earth would she want to come over here? To drool over Louis? Yeah, no, not happening.

"Yup, gotta go I'll call you later! Love ya byeeee!" I say quickly before hanging up and slipping my phone into my pocket. I trudge over to the front door and open it, to find Louis leaning against the door frame, his book bag hanging effortlessly off of his shoulder. His eyes met mine and he smirked.

"Let's get this over with," I groan, stepping aside for him to enter. I watch warily as he steps through the threshold, a.k.a the door, waiting for him to stab me or something.

"Wow, your house is just, wow!" He comments, kicking his shoes off. I shut the door quietly, my eyes never leaving his body, not in a dirty way or anything.

"Uh thanks? Can we please just get this over with? I have a date with Netflix tonight!" I growl, realizing I have little to no patience left.

"Yeah yeah, what you don't wanna spend time with little ole' me?? Or is it because we are alone, standing so close to each other? Because if me being this close bothers you, imagine how bothered you'll be when I am in you," He smirked, stepping towards me so our faces were mere inches apart. I resist the urge to vomit, and opt to push him away.

"Nope, not one bit! Good luck trying to get a reaction out of me," I say calmly, trying to show him that he doesn't have any leverage over me. He nods, obviously surprised by my rejection. I gesture for him to follow me into the living room where there is windows so anyone walking by can see us, and rescue me if necessary. We sit on the couch and he pulls out his homework, tossing it on the coffee table. "Okay so what don't you understand?" I ask cautiously, in case he decides to snap and murder me.

"Any of it," He replies emotionless, but his face shows otherwise. I could tell that the subject aggravated him like no other.

"Okay well that's soo specific, but I guess that's what I am here for." I shrug and he nods, his eyes focused on the Maths paper in front of him. I pick up his pencil and rewrite all the equations to a much simpler form for him to try. "This is going to help you for now, because I simplified the equations to the point where they don't look as difficult," I sigh and he nods.

"Okay well now how do I solve it?" His tone has a slight edge to it and he is biting his lip out of pure frustration. I take his pencil and show him how to figure it out, using the first problem, since it was the easiest.

"Okay there, and then you divide the 6x by 6 and then find the square root of both numbers to find x," I sigh, setting his pencil down.

"Okay, I think I understand, at least, a little bit," He says. "I am going to try a few problems and then check in with you, okay??" He asks, his eyes were stone cold, like always.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," I shrug, standing up and walking out of the room to give him some thinking space.

I was almost completely out of the room when I heard his response, "That would be you," Seriously, what did I do to deserve this torture? I knew that this was only the start, and I had to brace myself for the sexual banters that were in the distant future, but at the same time, I had to remind myself that I know how to win those banters.

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