Don't worry, I won't

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I walked around the kitchen, well I paced, debating on going back into the living room to check on him or not. I groaned before marching back in to see Louis waiting patiently, okay maybe not so patiently. He had his head in his hands, his hair was super messed up, probably from running his hands through it so many times. I cleared my throat and his head snapped up, his smirk already on his face.

"You done?" I asked, a slight twinge of anger in my voice. He cocked an eyebrow and nodded, examining my face like a fucking creep. I take the paper and scan over it.

"Well?" He asks harshly and impatiently, well someone is bipolar.

"You got them all right," I say, tossing the paper back at him. He took all his stuff and put it into his book bag.  I sighed before turning and going back into the kitchen. I sat on the counter and ran my hands up and down my arms, as if I was cold. I waited to hear the front door open and close, but I never did. I scrunched my eyebrows up before raising my head to look at the entryway to the living room. I almost screamed when I saw Louis standing right in front of me, a weird, creepy, smile plastered on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked, a concerned look on his face. I raised an eyebrow and he caught on quickly. Before I even got a chance to answer, his cold glare was back on his face.

"I'm fine, you can go now," I hissed, wanting him to just get out of my house already.

"Okay I will go then, but don't miss me too much babe," He winked, spinning on his heel and walking towards the door.

"Oh don't worry, I won't!" I yelled after him. Once he was completely out of the house I bolted to the door and locked it, just in case he decided to come back and murder me. I grabbed some food from the kitchen, along with some more lemonade before walking upstairs, grabbing my book bag on the way. I kicked my door shut behind me before walking over to my bed and setting everything down on my side table. My phone started buzzing and I groaned, just wanting to be left alone. I pulled the buzzing object from my back pocket before scanning my eyes over the name of the caller. I smiled slightly before pressing the green answer button. "Hey," I sighed.

"Hey? That's it, just 'hey'? I figured there would be some nasty joke in there! Are you okay?" Layla asked.

"Yeah I'm alright, do you wanna come over to mine? My parents left early for their trip! And I already managed to get rid of the devil!" I asked, a genuine smile creeping onto my cheeks.

"Yes!!! I will be there in a minute!!" She squealed, hanging up the phone. I laughed and tossed my phone on my bed. She loves my house, well I mean, who wouldn't? It is a freaking mansion, with a theater room! Yeah sure it's 'the life' but the only reason my house has so many nice things, is not only because my parents work high paying jobs, but also since they are never around this is they're way of showing me affection. Pretty shitty if you ask me.

I walked downstairs to unlock the door when something on the couch caught my eye, a book. I picked it up gingerly, turning it over and over in my hands. It was a sketchbook, similar to mine, but at the same time it was different. It was a turquoise colour, with writing all over it. There were pages falling out of it, pages that had been added at random points in time. I kept it in my arms and unlocked the front door before jogging back upstairs to my room. I sat in my desk chair, pulling my legs up off the floor. I took a deep breath before opening the book, feeling guilty about invading Louis' privacy. I skimmed through some pictures, most of them landscapes and random women. I noticed that a lot of the women looked the same, but I couldn't decipher who they were. I heard the front door open and Layla's cheery voice call my name. I quickly put the book into a drawer before responding to her call.

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