Sometimes you gotta push yourself

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My heart pounded painfully in my chest as my fist collided with the bag once again. I could feel myself wheezing with every intake of air, sweat coated my body and my muscles ached as I pushed them to the max.

"C'mon Kenzie we need to build up your endurance, four laps!" Jack shouted at me, clapping his hands to get me moving, and I groaned before I could catch myself. "What was that? Let's make that six laps! Now move! You have an hour left of training and then you can rest!" I dragged my tired body off the wall and started running as best as I could. 

Jack had been ecstatic that I was willing to be his fighter and had suggested we meet for training everyday, on school days I would come to the 'gym' for two hours before going home which seemed a bit excessive to me but I knew better then to complain. I managed to convince my parents that I was doing some extra curicular activities, like a sport, but I didn't dare specify what sport. This was our first training session and Jack was not going easy on me, which I was thankful for but at the same time I was furious. 

"Hey yo Jackie! What do we have here?" A deep, seductive voice whistled from the doorway of the gym- which was actually an old boxing stadium that was no longer in use. 

"Hey Kenzie take a break and come here! I want you to meet someone," I was relieved to stop running, but jogged over to Jack and a tall, very handsome stranger. "Mackenzie Fenton, this is Mason Calhoun. He is going to be your trainer since I have to fill out paperwork and stuff for your fights. He is one of the greatest fighters out there and has agreed to make you a great fighter as well. But I will have you know that he will push you harder than I was, and you have to be willing to give 110% for him, understand?" I weakly nodded and my eyes flickered over to Mason who was glancing around the arena with familiarity sparkling in his brown eyes. 

"You sure have cleaned up the place since I was last here, haven't you Jackie boy?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked between the two men. I could feel my curiousity spark and I bit my tongue to keep me from saying anything and being nosy.

"Alright Kenzie, you ready to get started?" Mason smirked and clapped his hands together, making me internally whimper. I already knew that I had gotten myself into a deep hell hole that I wouldn't be getting out of anytime soon. 


"Kenz is that you?" My mum emerged in the doorway, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. "I thought you were gonna be home an hour ago?" 

"Sorry mum I lost track of time with training, and then I had to wait for one of my teammates to give me a ride home," I lied and she nodded.

"I hope you're hungry, dinner is on the table, come eat." I almost argued that I needed a shower but I decided against it and followed her into the dining room.

"Hey honey how was training? You look exhausted." My dad chuckled once I plopped into a chair. I gave him a weak smile, the brightest smile I could possibly muster up at the moment.

"It was tiring, my coach had me focusing on the endurance portion of the training; cardio, lots of push-ups, stuff like that. How was work?" I started to pile food onto my plate, reminding myself of what Mason had instructed 'make sure to eat a lot so you are energized and limit your junk food purges'. My mum gave me an astonished look as I took my fourth spoonful of mashed potatos.

"It was good, today was just a bunch of meetings so nothing too exciting-" I zoned out as him and my mother started to discuss their job. I focused on shoveling food into my body, already feeling a tiny bit better now that the food was in my body.

"May I please be excused?" I asked politely. "I still need to take a shower and do some homework," I quickly added in so that my parent's didn't assume that I wasn't enjoying their company.

"Sure thing dear, please clear up a few things on your way for me," My mum shot me a gentle smile and I nodded, gathering my plate and a few other empty dishes. I kissed both of their cheeks before heading into the kitchen and rinsing off the dished and putting them into the dishwasher. Have you ever thought about how silly it is that we rinse our dishes before putting them into a machine that is going to wash them? Just me? 

I bounded up the stairs and was greeted by the amazing sight of my bedroom door back on it's hinges. 

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