College and Seductions

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***One Month Later***

Layla and I were sitting on my bed with a bowl of Skittles in front of us, throwing them into each other's mouths. We were also discussing the secrecy going on with our boyfriends and their gang. They had been acting really weird since Layla's incident. Whenever we wanted to go anywhere without the boys, they would send a gang member to follow us. It was kind of annoying, considering every time I asked Louis what was going on, he'd change the subject. He wouldn't tell me anything that had to deal with the gang, and it was frustrating.

"Kenzie, can you come downstairs please? Your mother and I would like to talk to you! Layla can come down too if she wants!" My dad shouted from downstairs.

Layla and I shot each other a questioning look before heading down stairs. My parents were sitting in my mum's office, my mum in her desk chair, my father in a chair next to her. Layla and I slowly entered the room and sat on the leather couch across from my mother's big oak desk. Both of my parents had serious looks on their faces, they meant business. I reached next to me and took Layla's hand in mine for comfort. She shot me a small smile, entwining her fingers with mine and giving my hand a slight squeeze.

"Am I in trouble?" I didn't feel as confident as I normally did. My parents really were stepping up in their parenting role. We were trying to patch up our broken relationship, well, they were. I was still the rebellious child that wanted nothing to do with them. They had lost my trust, abandoned me.

"No darling. As you clearly know, next year is your senior year . . . have you thought about what you want to do after you graduate?" My mum asked her hands folded on her desk, leaning forward.

"Well, I want to go to Uni, I don't know where yet. . . I don't know what for yet either . . . why?" Why were they bringing this up now?

"We were just curious if you had a plan, we want you to know that we are here to help you make any decisions for schooling." My dad smiled.

I slowly nodded. I was super confused. My mum waved her hand, dismissing Layla and I from the room. That was it? That was the big talk? Layla tugged my hand and dragged me out of the room. Speaking of school, what was Louis' plan? This is his last year in high school.

"That was weird, love. But that made me wonder about Niall. I haven't touched the subject of what his plans are after high school. What if he leaves? Is he willing to try long distance? Mackenzie, I don't know if I could handle that." Layla flung herself into my arms, sobbing. My heart cracked at the sight of my broken best friend. But it brought back that nagging question . . . what did Louis plan?

**Three Days Later- Louis' POV**

I was lying on my bed, throwing a tennis ball in the air and catching it. I could hear my mum down stairs talking to Lottie about some boy issues. I knew that I should go downstairs and take on my role as older brother, but I had no motivation. My heart felt heavy and I just wanted to lie in bed for the rest of my life.

Mackenzie had been avoiding me for the past three days. She ignored my texts, when she would see me in the hall she would avoid eye contact and walk past me as fast as possible. In art, she would put her headphones in, her hood up and pretend I wasn't there. No matter how hard I tried, she wouldn't talk to me. I was worried that she was mad at me. She kind of gave off these bitchy vibes, but at the same time she gave off these really sad vibes.

My bedroom door creaked open and Mackenzie's head popped in. I sat up and leaned against the wall, motioning her to come inside. She closed the door behind her and crawled onto my bed, tucking herself under my arm, nestling her head in the crook of my neck. Her arms encircled my waist, holding me rather tight.

"What's wrong baby girl? Why didn't you call? How'd you get here? Did someone escort you here?!" I gently lifted her chin so she was looking at me. Her eyes were dull; she looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"I'm so sorry Louis. I've been a horrible girlfriend!" She cried pulling her chin out of my grasp and looked the other way. My heart ached.

I felt the same way about myself. I was being a horrible boyfriend; I knew I couldn't keep hiding things from her if I wanted to have a healthy relationship. I didn't want to scare her off, I didn't want to lose her.

"Tell me what's going on, I hate to see you so upset," I whisper, kissing the top of her head.

"I just. . . It's going to sound so dorky . . . please d-don't laugh. What are your plans after you graduate? You only have three months left . . . have you thought about Uni?" My chest tightened as I realized what she was upset about.

"Well, the lads and I are planning on moving into a flat in Manchester . . . we want a fresh start, get away from America, the gang, you know? We are all from different places in England, aside from Niall . . . dumb Irish bloke. We are causing too much problems for our families and you girls. I don't want to lose you, but staying here is far too dangerous." I looked down at her. I didn't know how to properly explain the reason without sounding like an asshole, but I couldn't lie to her. I needed her safe, I needed to get as far away from her, just to keep her safe.

"M-Manchester? You're leaving? When did you decide this? When did you plan on telling me? When are you leaving?" She didn't sound sad, she sounded kind of angry.

"We decided this a few months back . . . before you and I got together. . . I didn't think you'd fall for me. We plan on leaving in mid-July. I didn't know how to tell you. . . "

"Lou. . . what about us? I don't know if I could handle a long distance relationship. What is your plan for us? Is this your way of breaking up with me? I don't understand why you have to leave!" She looked up at me, her green eyes a blaze.

"Well . . . I tried not to think about it. I don't want to leave you, I love you so much. But I am tired of living in America, I want to go home. Staying here is just putting everyone I love in danger. I don't want to be tied to California forever, it's not my home. I don't know what we should do. What do you want to do?" My throat felt like it was closing up.

"I-I don't know. We basically just got together. . . I want us to stay together until you have to leave. We can decide the rest when the time comes, but for now we need to cherish what we have now. I also need to know what is going on." She states firmly.

"I will tell you in time baby, I need to get a few things sorted out before I can tell you. I'm so sorry princess; I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you so much, you know that right? Do I need to prove it to you?" She faintly nodded, her eyes sparkled with mischief.

"I don't know how much you love me . . . you haven't really shown me. . . I want you to prove it to me. Prove to me that you really love me." Her voice was no longer shaky, it was full of confidence. It was so hot; I could feel my pants get tighter.

"Babe . . . if you don't stop talking like that I am going to have to fuck you right here right now. You don't know how sexy you sound right now. ." I growled, nipping gently at her neck.

"I like knowing I have this effect on you . . . it's a turn on." She whispered, kissing me gently.

"Kenz, I'm not fucking around. If you don't stop talking like this I don't think I will be able to control myself. I know that you probably want me to make love to you, but I don't know if I can right now," I answered honestly. Her eyes visibly darkened, she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Then if you can't 'make love' to me, I want you to fuck me. Hard." I was practically panting. My sweat pants were a fucking tent.

"Kenz . . . I don't know if you want that. When I fuck, I fuck hard. I'm an animal, I don't think you're ready for that . . . or maybe you are?" She was smiling at me, trying to look innocent. She was not being innocent though, her hand was grasping me through my pants, not too tight, not too loose.

"Fuck. Me." She groaned.

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