First day back at school

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~Mackenzie's POV~

 I sat up groggily, rubbing my eyes and yawning. Oh great, it's time to get up and get ready for the first day of my junior year! I love school! Please note my sarcasm. Yes, I do realize how over dramatic that was, I tend to be over dramatic most of the time. I threw my duvet off my body dramatically (eh-eh see what I did there?) and trudged over to my bathroom to get ready. I stepped out of my black silky pajamas, okay so I managed to fall flat on my face trying to get out of the damn pants, but I got them off  and climbed into the shower. The scalding hot water waking me up way more as I began to wash the grime off my body. I took care of all my shower necessities before stepping out into the cold air, wrapping my black fuzzy towel around my body.

I looked at my appearance in the mirror and felt bile rise as I took in my appearance, I looked like a zombie! I had left over make up running down my cheeks and my eyes were red and puffy. Layla, my best friend, would most definitely give me a long lecture about how sleeping with makeup on is terrible for your pores and blah blah blah. I pulled my long, wet, and sleek black hair up into a ponytail so I could rid my face of runny makeup and put on fresh makeup. I walked over to my dresser and opened a drawer, pulling out my dark blue lace bra and matching underwear. I quickly dropped the towel that was still wrapped around my body and slipped on the underwear and bra as fast as I could, I have this weird fear that someone is always watching me when I dress and undress. My phone buzzed from its spot on my nightstand and I groaned, already knowing it was Layla, considering she is the only one to text me, besides my parents. She was probably just making sure I got my lazy ass out of bed.

From: Layla

Hey babe! You up? You better be. Make sure to look at least somewhat like a girl before I get there! Otherwise I will make you change! ;) You have been warned. I will be there in 10 minutes, so BE READY! -Layla xoxox

To: Layla

Hey love! Yes of course I am up, who do you think I am?? Don't answer that. I was planning on wearing my black skinnies, a pretty-ish shirt, and black vans? Yes I am actually asking for your approval, even though I probably won't change my outfit anyway. Don't forget that I don't care what people think of that I wear like you do! ;) Hurry up love muffin!! xxoxx

I giggled and tossed my phone on my bed as I grabbed my favourite skinny jeans, a black pair with a hole in the knee from skateboarding, and a red and black flannel shirt out of my closet and put them on, along with my scuffed black vans, smiling slightly at my choice in clothing. I believed that this would get Layla's approval.

I slipped my phone into my back pocket and went back into my bathroom, taking my hair down and straightening it so that it looked at least somewhat presentable. I sighed, grabbing my book bag from my desk and heading downstairs to find my mum and dad at the table reading the paper and drinking coffee.

"Morning!" I chirped despite me not being a morning person. My parents nodded slightly, their eyes never leaving the paper. I rolled my eyes before eating some toast and drinking a glass of orange juice.

I saw Layla's car pull into the driveway and I grinned. "Alright I will see you guys later!" I chirp, kissing each of their cheeks before turning on my heel and practically dashing out the door, not really waiting for either of them to tell me to have a great day or anything.

"Really Kenz? That's how you plan to dress? I thought you said you would wear a pretty-ish shirt!" Layla quoted my text and I rolled my eyes. Of course this didn't meet her high expectations. She backed out of the driveway and started towards the school.

"Really Kenz? Blah blah blah! It's our junior year for Pete's sake, nobody really cares anymore. I don't care if I look pretty or not for school, it's school for heaven's sake not a fucking beauty pageant! And I prefer to be comfortable, I mean look at you, those heels cannot be comfortable." I mocked her and she was quick to slap my arm playfully. "Eyes on the road Missy, I want to at least make it to the school today!" I teased and she shot me a quick glare before turning to look back at the road ahead of us.

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