Making a Deal with the Devil

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"Okay now that I have food in my system I will listen to the 'terms and conditions' of your little bet. But, I don't have to agree so don't get your hopes up, Tomlinson." We were currently seated in a booth at McDonalds. After nearly ten minutes of arguing back at the arena he had convinced me to at least let him buy me dinner.

"Alright, don't interupt me though. Our friends want us to get along, well at least be friends, so I have come up with an idea to make this whole thing fun for the both of us. Alright so you give me until the end of the year to make you fall in love with me. If I can't then I will leave you alone for the rest of our lives. I will take you on dates, buy you things, show you that I am not a bad guy. However, you can't see anyone else while I am trying to get you to fall for me." I gaped at him, he couldn't be serious could he? That sounded like a recipe for disaster, not to mention heartbreak.

"That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! What is this? Is this some kind of sick joke?? No. No way, no. I don't feel like being used for a little experiment or whatever you truly have planned in your head, nor do I want to risk getting hurt." I shook my head violently. Why would he think I would agree to this? Did he hit his head? The hell is wrong with him? 

"Come on. Are you scared? Is that it? Are you worried that I might actually get you to fall for me? Come on Mackenzie, just say yes." He had a cocky smirk on his face. I craved so badly to just punch him square in the nose.

"Me? Scared? Ha! Bring it on." I held my hand out for him to shake. He gripped my hand tightly as we locked eyes and shook. 


Once I had gotten home I had dashed upstairs to my room before my parents could pester me. I had a nice black eye that I had to cover up before even engaging in a conversation with my mother. If she saw it she would surely flip her shit. 

Laying back on my bed, I went over what I had agreed to with Louis. I was terrified to be completely honest, he had the complete capability to make me fall head-over-heels for him and I wasn't ready to give that up. This was ridiculous. What would Layla say about this??! I shouldn't have caved in so easily. Why did I agree to this again? Oh wait, because I can't back down on a bet. . . ever.

But was this worth the risk? All for a little bet? Have I completely lost my marbles? Yes, yes I have.

To: Layla

Hey so I have seriously fucked up. I made a deal with the devil and my heart is at stake. What do I do?

 I rolled over and smothered my face with a pillow, waiting for a response. Would she yell at me? Probably not, she most likely would just ask ten million questions regarding my sanity. My phone buzzed and I rolled back over and grabbed it, only to scowl at the message.

From: The Devil

Hey beautiful, do you think your parents would allow me to kidnap you tomorrow for a date? xx 

I know for a fact that my mum would not allow it, considering she had forbid me to talk to him ever again. 

To: The Devil

No, unless you can convince my mum that you aren't some horrid monster that is out to turn her daughter into a rebel. She does not like you; I didn't tell you that when I got rebellious and wore that itty bitty dress to school what the argument was really about. She forbids me from having any sort of contact with you, ever. 

I sighed as I sent the message. My phone buzzed immediately and I sighed in relief to see that it was Layla who had contacted me.

From: Layla

By 'The Devil' you wouldn't happen to mean Louis Tomlinson would you? What did you do? Do I need to cut a bitch? Are you in some sort of danger?? Do I need to inform the police?

I laughed at her panicked message, despite how mean that is, she was totally overreacting, plus, she was the one that wanted us to become friends in the first place. I blame her for getting me into this situation.

To: Layla

No, the other devil, duh Louis Tomlinson. I made a bet with him. He thinks that he can get me to fall in love with him by the end of the year, I beg to differ; however, I think I just got myself into a tight situation. I don't know what to do!

From: Layla

You. Did. What?! Shit. Okay, I have the perfect idea. You are going to retaliate. Make him fall for you before he can mind-fuck you and make you fall for him! Crap, dad's yelling at me to go to bed. Text me tomorrow and we can discuss this further. Love you xoxo

To: Layla

Sure thing! Love you xxooxx

I sighed and was about to turn off my phone when it buzzed again. 

From: The Devil

Oh, well that would have been good information to know, you should have told me that. I will prove her wrong about me. Be ready tomorrow at 11:30 so I can kidnap you for lunch . . . that is if I can convince your mother. Goodnight beautiful ;) xx

To: The Devil

Good luck with that! Goodnight Tomlinson. x

I smirked to myself at my message. One little kiss at the end of my message was sure to get him thinking that I am starting to be okay with this whole ordeal, right? I hope so, because if I am going to win this bet, I am going to have to do some major flirting.

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