Losers don't always lose. . .

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*Two weeks later*

"I passed! Holy fucking shit! I passed!" Louis screamed, shoving the paper in my hands. I gave him a confused look before looking down and seeing 98% written in big red numbers on the top of his Maths test.

"OH. MY. CHEESECAKES! I am so proud of you right now, like you have no idea how proud of you I am! This is incredible!" I grinned.

He took me by surprise and pulled me into his arms, pulling me off my feet. I squealed in delight, hugging his neck tightly. Not tight enough to hurt him or anything, but tight enough for him to be able to feel my excitement. I was so proud of him for passing his test, and doing so well on it!

"This calls for a celebration!" I squeal as he sets me back on my feet. 

"I only want one form of celebration, and I know you want it too." His eyes had suddenly turned a very dark shade of blue.

"I don't know what you're talking about Louis," I attempted to lie, but ended up failing horribly when my voice cracked.

"Stop resisting, I can see right through that masque. All you have to do is say the words," He whispered. his famous smirk plastered on his face.

My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at him, slowly taking a step back. He couldn't know, could he? No, I haven't given anything away. I shook my head defiantly and he scowled. I wouldn't being the one saying the words, he had too. I couldn't lose the bet. 

"I have no masque on. I won't be the one saying the words, you will be. You can't make me." I laughed, putting on a stubborn front.

"Don't tempt me," He whispered, sending chills down my spine.

He tried to take a step closer, but with every step he took I took one backwards. I hoped that my back wouldn't hit the- damn. My back roughly hit the wall, trapping me. I thought about running but I wasn't fast enough. His hands rested on the wall by my head, trapping me.

"I do what I want," I whispered, still trying to sound brave.

"And what do you want?" He asked seriously, his face curious. 

I had no idea what came over me, it must have been the moment, or his eyes. Those damn eyes that always got to me. I could feel my walls slowly falling down, my body showing signs of defeat. I was about to give in. I had to accept the hurt I was about to experience.

"You." I said, my voice small and scared.

Right as the words left my lips I knew I was done for. I had just lost the bet along with any sanity I still had. He didn't move an inch, just stared at me. I knew what he was waiting for, me to say the dreaded words. I was terrified, more so of his reaction than anything. What would happen after this? Would he leave? What would become of us? We had been spending a lot of time together over the past 8 months, the school year almost over. 

"Say it," He whispered, his voice straining.

I stared into those blue eyes for what felt like forever. My breathing was increasing slowly and I could feel my palms beginning to sweat under the pressure. Would it be worth it to tell him? Was it worth the chance of losing him? Fuck yeah.

"Louis William Tomlinson, I, Mackenzie Lynn Fenton. . .  I have fallen in love with you. And that means that you won the bet. I- I love you Lou," My voice trembled as I looked up at him. 

His face held no emotion, and his muscles had tensed. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. He didn't love me back. Why isn't he saying anything?! Slowly, a smirk graced his features and his eyes sparkled. I felt a tear fall down my face. He won, and he didn't even feel the slightest bit of love for me.

"God dammit, took you long enough! I fucking love you Mackenzie," He growled, slamming his lips down on mine. 

It took me mere seconds to realize what he just said, once the words clicked in my head I kissed him back, just as forcefully. Sure, I just lost the bet, but I gained the love of this beautiful man. My hands tangled in his hair as I kissed him, his hands encircled my waist, pulling me closer to him.

** This is not the end! But what do you think?? -Tracy xx**

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