You're an ass and I'm a bad ass ;)

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After a long awkward conversation with Louis' mum, he dragged me upstairs muttering how embarrassing she is. I couldn't control my giggles as we walked into his room. Plopping down on a beanbag in the corner of his room I sighed, realizing just how upset I was. 

"Okay, what shall we do first? Do you want to talk or work on homework?" Louis asked and I gave him a flat look. "Okay that was a dumb question I will admit, but I had to ask," He held his hands up in mock defense and pulled out his Maths book. 


Okay so helping Louis with Maths is like teaching a monkey to fly a cloud. Don't question that analogy. We ended up laying on the floor tossing skittles into each other's mouths and ranting. I had texted my mum and informed her of my whereabouts, not even caring to make up a lie.

"Okay spill the beans, I know you want to," I shot Louis a look and he nudged me with his foot. I really just wanted to go home and sleep, but at the same time I rather not go home and face the wrath of my crazed mother.

"Gah where do I even start? Okay my mum grounded me right, because Layla posted some pictures from our 'party' and my parents saw them and flipped their shit. They were so pissed that they left their trip early so that I wouldn't be home alone. Then, my mum tells me that she was gonna take away all my gaming systems and electronics, EXCEPT my phone. She said I could keep that so I could inform her where I was. But, I am supposed to only be either at school or at home, nowhere else. This was her rules, but of course today she went against that and told me to find a way home, like she wasn't even going to check if I went home or not. Okay and Layla, oh boy I am so mad at her right now. It's probably a really silly reason to be mad, but to me it seems reasonable. So today I was going to go sneak up on her and Niall came up and started kissing her. They are apparently dating now but didn't tell anyone, and aren't planning to. But, I am her best friend, shouldn't she tell me? Did you know about this?" He gave me a sheepish look and I felt my blood boil. I started muttering profanities.


After twenty minutes of arguing, Louis and I were in his basement playing Halo 3 and I was whooping his ass. He kept shoving me and trying to mess me up, but clearly he didn't know about my mad skills.

"Kiddos! Dinner!!" Jay called from upstairs and Louis literally shoved me off the sofa and sprinted upstairs before I had even registered what happened. I shook my head and laughed, pushing myself up off the floor and jogged upstairs. I smiled when I saw  Louis and his sisters all waiting patiently for their mum to give them some food. "I hope you like beef stroganoff hon," Jay smiled at me and I grinned nodding.

"This is amazing!" I practically moaned as I swallowed more of the noodles. Jay smiled and thanked me. I probably looked like a pig, shoveling so much food into my mouth. Suddenly I felt something dripping from my hair, the warm substance oozing off my hair and onto Louis' shirt. 

"Oops," Louis smirked victoriously. That little cheeky bastard. He was hovering over me, like he had been going to get seconds and had just oh so accidentally dropped his food all over me.

"Louis!" Jay shrieked. I clenched my jaw to keep me from ripping his throat out. "Apologize this instant! I am so sorry sweetie. Louis I want you to take her upstairs and lend her some clothes. Oh and let her shower!" She scolded and Louis scowled.

"I'm sorry. . . not. Now come on let's go," He grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs. Once we were upstairs he dropped my arm and clutched his stomach, losing it completely. I scowled and kicked him in the shin.

"C'mon grow up! Now give me some clothes so I can wash out my hair." I held my hand out impatiently and he sobered up, giving me a shirt, some sweatpants and a pair of boxers. 


After I had showered, I put on Louis' clothes and sighed, I was swimming in them. I tightened the waistband of his sweats and rolled the waist up as much as I could to keep them up. 

"You look good in my clothes," Louis winked and I flipped him the bird. He reached forward and pulled a noodle out of my hair. "You didn't get it all out, come on." He dragged me back into the bathroom and had me bend over the tub. I felt the warm water on my head and then his fingers massaging my scalp. I watched as a few more noodles left my hair and down went the drain.

"Uhm, thanks? What time is it? I probably need to get home," I panicked. I pulled my phone out and noticed the numerous missed calls and texts from my mum. "Shit, yeah I need to go," I turned and started walking downstairs, not looking to see if Louis was following.

"Do you need a ride home?" Louis asked as I pulled on my shoes. I shook my head and stood up to face him.

"No thanks, I think I am just going to walk, that way I will have more time to brace myself for my mothers wrath." I sighed and he nodded. Suddenly a relieved look crossed his face. He shoved my book bag into my arms and pushed me out the door, slamming it shut behind me.

Mum- Where are you? 

Mum- Get your arse home right now!

Mum- Mackenzie. Get home now! 

I scrolled through numerous messages from my mum, a few from my dad. But by the time I had reached the house I knew based off the messages and voice mails that I was in deep shit. The lights were off so I prayed that my parents had already gone to bed. 

The front door creaked as I pushed it open, but I didn't bother to be sneaky. I knew that I was going to be yelled at either way. I shut the door behind me and dropped my book bag by the door, slipping my shoes of.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?!" I heard my mother screech from upstairs and I sighed, trudging upstairs to fine my mother standing in my room, her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes narrowed. I watched her eyes look me over and I mentally cursed myself. "What are you wearing? That is not what you went to school in. Where were you?" She said calmly, too calmly for my liking. I knew that she was trying to talk to me like a normal woman, but it wouldn't last too long.

"I went to Louis' house to help him with his Maths homework since I am tutoring him. And I got into a one sided food fight and had to take a shower and Louis lent me his clothes." I said shrugging, knowing well that she wouldn't believe me either way.

"Louis? Isn't that the boy from your party? Mackenzie I forbid you to be around that boy. Based on your hair being dry and a complete mess, and the fact that you are in boys clothing, I have to assume that you're sleeping with him! For all I know you two weren't at his house. I thought I raised you better than this. Don't even try to tell me otherwise. I am so disappointed in you right now. We can talk about this another time, I am way to upset to further this argument. Go to bed, I don't want to see or hear you for the rest of the night." She brushed past me and out of my room. 

"Really? You don't even want to hear my side? Unbelievable!" I shouted. I scowled and flopped onto my bed, thinking of multiple ways I could murder everyone. I can't believe my mother! She basically just called me a whore! 

If its a whore she wants, its a whore she'll get!

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