Can I regret something that felt so right?

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***Mackenzie's POV***

I slowly pulled myself away from Louis, my eyes wide with shock. I couldn't believe I just did that.

"Louis. . .  What the hell? This isn't supposed to happen! I'm supposed to hate you, we aren't supposed to happen, this is like some rushed love story. This isn't. . .  it can't. . .  stop looking at me like that and use your head! We are two different people! Well somewhat but it can't, we aren't supposed to kiss. You can't just kiss me!" I sigh in frustration, rubbing my face with my hands. This was all happening way to fast and I wasn't okay with it. From me tutoring Louis, him coming over and staying the night, to us kissing on the bed in the guest room. 

"Kenz, I won't lie, this is all happening really fast, but there is just something about you. Jeez I know this sounds so cheesy and cliche but it's the truth. No, you're not the first girl to reject me but the way that you do it, it's. . . different. This isn't supposed to happen this fast. I feel like characters in a book where they rush the characters together, but I can wait for you. This is reality and I think I like you." He smiled, a genuine, one of a kind, Louis Tomlinson smile. It was contagious and soon I found myself grinning along with him.

"Well, what now? I feel like I should be regretting this. The kiss I mean, but how can I regret something that just felt so right? Damn I really am being cheesy right now, but I guess that's how you're supposed to act after an amazing kiss like that, yeah? Oh lordy why would I say that out loud? Anyway what now? Like do we pretend this never happened and go back to hating each other? Do we try 'us' out? I am not really good at this whole random hook up-type incident." I admitted sheepishly. 

"Honestly? I have no idea. I feel like we kind of rushed into this whole thing, like just this morning we were at each other's throats, the boys forced us into this situation. Minus the kiss, I doubt that was in they're plans. Do we just pretend that we had a heart to heart and that we just became friends? I think that would be our best bet, but that's up to you for the most part. Just remember that I am not the boyfriend type." His voice was so sincere and I had to discretely pinch my arm to make sure this wasn't a dream. I really had to think about this now, what were we going to do? My mind was all over the place, and I was trying to collect the data. 

"I guess we just remain friends, for now at least. I mean if we left this room hand in hand, they might get way too suspicious. Plus, we need to actually get to know each other, I am still very wary of our relationship status. Just because we kissed doesn't mean I am going to trust you. We need to build up our relationship, understand? For Christs sake I still hate you." He nodded his head and we shook our hands as if we had just made some sort of business deal.

"When do you think they are getting back?" I shrugged, I didn't even know how long we had been in that room, or if they had even left to begin with. Maybe they faked leaving so that they could make sure Louis and I became friends.

One things for sure, I have to watch out. I don't know if Louis is being serious right now or not, for all I know he could be tricking me to just stab me in the back. From what I have gathered over the years of seeing him around school and hearing all the gossip, he is quite known for playing people, in more than one way.

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