Chapter 12 The Battle for Urubaen

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As they neared the city Clayton and his friends slipped their battle armor on over their clothes and then readied themselves for battle. "Split up and attack anything thats not with the Varden!" Clayton yelled. Bonnita roared and flapped off to the right and was quickly followed by Flame. Dezzi angled off to the left and quickly flew away towards the city. Aaron continued heading straight for the heart of the fray. 

As soon as they got to the battlefield Aaron roared savagely and a great cheer rose up from the Varden's men. Clayton looked and saw that all of the men fighting the Varden were wearing gray armor. Aaron noticed it too and imediately began to engulf legions of enemy soldiers in sea after sea of flames. "This seems to easy" Clayton noted. Yes it does Aaron said I wonder why they don't have any wards. Just then they heard a piercing shriek above them. They looked up and there was the dark shape of the Letherblaka and it's dark rider Cameron.

Aaron imediately flew up until he was at the same level as the letherblaka. It immediately dipped to the side and began flying in circles around the city at speeds that Clayton and aaron couldn't believe. He can't out run me Aaron said. "I hope not" Clayton said as Aaron began to flap after the letherblaka. They soon were behind it and began to close in then all of a sudden it began to flap faster and faster and soon was flying much faster than Aaron who was quickly beginning to tire from trying to keep up. I'll get it when it comes back around the city Aaron said and just seconds later the Letherblaka began to get close as it finished it's lap. Aaron dove forward but the creature just flapped harder and faster and aaron snapped his jaws shut on a mouthful of air. I have to try and keep up with it Aaron said and he began flying as fast as he could as the Letherblaka flew lap after lap around the city. Aaron was now panting very hard and his flapping was becoming labored. I can't do this Aaron said. "We need help" Clayton said. Suddenly he felt several minds touch his. We are the spellcasters and eldunari of the varden the voices said. We will lend you our strength for there are many of us who can help. Suddenly Clayton felt a huge wave of energy flow into Aaron who imediately started to flap harder and harder. Clayton looked down and saw the city racing by under them Aaron payed it no mind and flapped even harder and faster. The wind whistled in Clayton's ears and he flattened down in the saddle as Aaron flapped even faster. The city was a blur under them and the Letherblaka was right in front of them Aaron opened his mouth but no fire came out. The wind is rushing by too fast Aaron said I can't keep a flame going. The letherblaka suddenly swerved to the right and Aaron followed then it dove down, Aaron did the same, It did a spinning corkscrew with a huge twisting loop and yet still Aaron mimicked it perfectly. The spellcasters continued to feed Aaron energy as the two titans of the air chased each other in unbelievably fast twists and turns and flips. Soon though the Letherblaka slowed down and Clayton heard a voice emanating from it's back. "We will meet again but right now you may want to save your little friend!" He threw something that kept flashing repeatedly and Clayton looked to his right and to his horror saw Bonnita and Naomi flying towards them right into the pathe of the projectile. "NO LOOK OUT!!" Clayton yelled but the projectile hit Bonnita and exploded.

Even from almost a hundred feet away Clayton heard Bonnita's wing bones break. She roared in agony and began to fall. Aaron flattened his wings to his sides and dove after her. As they fell Clayton looked and saw that Naomi had been knocked unconcious by the explosion. Aaron got as close as he could get then he locked his claws shut on Bonnita's shoulders and sides. He threw his wings open and flapped for all he was worth but despite all the energy he was recieving from the spellcasters he could not stay airborne. he flapped and slowly glided down to the castle courtyard below them. Clayton used a blast of magic to stop them from crashing and they softly landed but the draw on his strength was great and he almost blacked out. He dismounted and ran to see if Naomi was alright. Aaron followed right behind him.

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