Chapter 18 The Hunt Begins With The Battle of Dras-Leona

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Once they had past the field outside of Urubaen Aaron and Bonnita turned and began heading towards Dras-Leona. "Do you think the Razac are still staying in Helgrind?" Clayton said remembering the lessons he had learned about how the original Razac had once lived in the three mountains outside Dras-Leona before Eragon, Saphira, and Eragon's cousin Roran had come and killed the Razac. I'm not sure Aaron said All I know is that the scent goes this way. Soon Clayton could see Leona lake and Dras-Leona and beyond that, the three black mountains of Helgrind. As Helgrind came closer and closer Aaron and Bonnita didn't slow down. "Their not there are they?" Naomi asked. No Bonnita said. "Dang it!" Clayton said. What's wrong? Aaron asked. "I wanted to go ahead and teach those walking corpses a lesson" Clayton said. "I like that idea" Naomi said. Clayton blushed. Suddenly something flew past his head missing him by inches. "What was that?!?" he yelled. He looked down and saw that they were over Dras-leona already and there were arrows shooting up from the city. "Armor!" Naomi yelled. Clayton hit the button on Aaron's saddle and the armor quickly unfolded and strapped itself into place. Seconds later arrows started to snap and bounce off of the armor on Aaron's stomach and chest. "Why are they shooting at us?!?" Clayton asked. "They must still serve the Razac!" Naomi said. Suddenly Clayton felt a searing pain in the front of his shoulder. He looked and saw that his shoulder was uninjured then he looked down and saw that an arrow had embedded itself between two of the plates of Aaron's armor. Aaron roared. Bonnita looked down at the city. What do you say we fight back? she asked. Let's do this thing! Aaron said. They closed their wings and Clayton and Naomi ducked down as low as they could in their saddles in order to avoid the arrows. Once they were only about a hundred feet above the city Aaron and Bonnita opened their wings and each of them released a pillar of fire on the towers in the city. Clayton watched as people leaped out of the windows as the tower was engulfed in flames. Then Aaron and Bonnita both looked at each others and Clayton knew that they had just thought of something. Stay as flat as you can in the saddle Aaron said. Clayton tightened the straps on his legs and layed down as flat as he could in the saddle. Aaron and Bonnita looked over the city and soon saw a very large stone building that looked like it was an overturned bowl. They looked back at each other and nodded. They flew high into the air over the building they then straightened themselves in the air and locked all their front and back claws together they then flipped over and began to dive towards the building. As they began to get close to the roof of the building they tucked their wings shut as tight as they could and then they began to spin together in the air. Clayton braced himself as they got extremely close and held on as tight as he could as the two dragons smashed through the roof of the building like it was made of porcellin. Clayton felt his strength drop as the debri was deflected by his wards. The two dragons separated and landed claws-first on the bottom floor of the building. There were soldiers all around them but they were disorganized and confused Aaron swept his tail across a large portion of the floor throwing people into the walls and impaling them on the blades at the end of his armor's tail. Bonnita swatted groups of soldiers away with her claws. Aaron engulfed a large group of soldiers in brilliant red flames. Bonnita grabbed a solier in her jaws and threw him into some of his comrads. Aaron looked up at the huge hole that him and Bonnita had made in the floors above them. He reared up on his hind legs and locked his front claws over the floor above them and began to climb up the hole one floor at a time and Bonnita followed right behind him. Every time that Aaron reached a floor with soldiers on it he would fill it with fire and Bonnita did the same to any soldiers that Aaron missed. Once they reached the roof they crawled out of the hole and jumped down to the road below. As soon as they hit with a thundering thud they began to run down the streets crushing food stands and carriages and letting their tails smash holes in the walls of the buildings that lined the streets. They finally reached the gates at the back of the city. Aaron and Clayton looked and saw they were wooden. "How stupid are these people?" Clayton asked. Stupid enough Aaron said as he and Bonnita unleashed a sea of fire on the gates which burned until they fell out of their frames. The two dragons fearlessly leaped through the flames and began to run then they extended their wings and pounced into the sky. 

I've never felt an adrenaline rush quite like that before Aaron said. That was amazing! Bonnita said. "Yeah! Who's up for round two?!?!" Clayton yelled. "Not happening!" Naomi said laughing. They each pressed the button on the front of their saddles and the armor on the dragons retracted until it was out of sight.

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