Chapter 4

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In case you're lost. The school day is over. And Hannah is headed home. Haha byeee!!!!

Im headed home from that he'll hole. Right back to another hell whole.

I unlock the door to my house and walk in. I turn to shut and lock the door back. I walk in the living room and see my mom drinking again.

"Hey mom I'm home."

She got up and just randomly slapped the shit out of me.

I began to yell at her. "What the fuck. What was that for?"

"You are never here. Always gone 8 hours a day. Look at this house it's mess. You never clean. You were just a mistake. I wish you were never born."

All the words she said to me was killing me softly inside. I tried to hold back the tears but I let them out anyway from being so hurt. My own mother just told me that I wish I was never born.

"Mom calm down I was at school. I'm trying to get my education so I can graduate and get the hell out of here. And you won't have to worry about you "mistake" child again."

I quickly ran upstairs to find a cigarette to clam myself down. I tore my room apart looking for one but I guess I was all out.

I reached In my drawer to to grab clothes and take a shower.

I cute on the warm water, grabbed by blade from under my sink and got in the shower.

The words from my moms mouth was racing through my head. Her voice won't go away.

I slid down to the shower floor and started to cry.

I grabbed the blade and made it dance across my wrist.

Cut, after cut, after cut.

I started to feel calm and a little better. I let the water run over my fresh cuts and I could feel the burning pain.

I jumped at first. But it started to make me feel better. I turned the water off, changed in my clothes and headed to my room.

I grabbed my lotion and deodorant and applied in on.

Bring me the horizon is like the only band that makes me relax and fall asleep.

I keep a cold room because the colder the faster I fall asleep.

I turned on some bring me the horizon and put it on shuffle.

The first song that played was "Throne".

I'm glad that song started playing because I love it. Especially their new album "that's the spirit." Every song on there is my favorite.

I began to sing along.

Remember the moment you left me alone and
Broke every promise you ever made
I was an ocean, lost in the open
Nothing could take the pain away

So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and blue
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my throne.

All of a sudden the song sounded like it was fading away. I felt like I was sinking in my bed I am so cold.

But I remember the fan and the air is running.

Sleeping is the only time when my mom isn't yelling at me. Madeline and half the school isn't making fun of me. Sleep is the only time when everything disappears.

Until I wake up and it comes rushing back. All over again.


High School {Nick Bean}Where stories live. Discover now