Chapter 15

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Once again sorry for the cliffhanger! Just in case you guys didnt read the previous update we reached 1000 reads!!!!! Im so glad you guys love this book!!! Anyway thanks for everything. Heres another long Chap!!
-The Author...Ally <3

---Aphmau's Pov---

Then he does something i wouldve never expected him to do. He puts his hands on my face and removed the space between us. He kissed me. I break away him letting go of me. "Garroth?!" He starts blushing really bad and i just keep crying though harder now. "L....L....Lord Aph...Aphmau im s....sorry" I stare at him then run away. "LORD APHMAU!!!" I pass by Zenix and see him looking super concerned. He stands in front of the road and I push him away. "Aph ar.... Ow" I sprint through everyone everyone asking me whats wrong. I look behind me to see Garroth talking to Zenix and his is head down. I run to my house and shut and lock the door sitting in front of it. Thoughts are pouring into my head. Why the heck did Garroth kiss me? I have an idea..... he will probably not look for me because he will feel bad. If i leave for Scaleswind tonight while hes not looking for me ill be able to be there by tommorow and head back later that day. Ill be able to be back by the next night once i see my parents. I stop crying and grab my huge purple backpack. I dont have a communication amulet because of what happened from Laur..... nevermind but i should bring some food water and a tent because ill need to sleep. Maybe even a flint and steel for a campfire. As im going through a list in my head i hear a knock on my door. "Wh....who is it." "Aphmau? Its Zenix" I can tell hes been crying. I walk over and open the door. He walks in and hugs me. "Im so sorry Aphmau!!" I hug him back. "I dont know why he did that. I should have left for Scaleswind when i thought i had a free shot." He stops hugging me and steps back. "You were what?!" "I wanted to visit Scaleswind while i was in my house. I just decided ill do it later." He shakes his head. "Please dont." "But my par...." "APHMAU PLEASE!" He hugs me. "Zenix..... they were the only two people i remembered." He hugs me tighter. "I know Aphmau im sorry." I start crying again. "Zenix why did he kiss me?!?!?!" "He shouldnt have. He feels really bad.... Aphmau ill see you later i have to get back to post." I sniffle and nod. He walks out and i shut the door behind him. I slowly sit in front of it. I put my head in my knees and cry.
"Why Did Garroth Kiss Me?!?!?!?!"

---Garroth's Pov---

I shouldnt have done that!!!! I knew she was on edge after Laurance that she would totally collapse if she was kissed. I just felt really bad and UGH!! Im pacing around in my home. Wanting to go check on her but deciding against it. She needs to be by herself. Gah im such a bad guard!!! I just sit down and put my head in my knees. "Why did i kiss Aphmau?!" Because you love her more then your own life. "GAHHH!" I stand up and continue to pace. I hear a knock on the door. Its probably either Zenix or Zoe. Though i hope its Aphmau. I open the door to see Zoe and Kiki. Some of Aphmau's friends. Ha i knew it. "Garroth what happened to Aph?" I could tell they are both terrified speaking that when Kiki said that her voice was quivering and Zoe is shaking. I look down motioning for them to come in. They do and i shut the door behind them. We all sit down but they are staring at me worriedly. I clear my throat knowing this is probably gonna be bad. "Well i was checking on Aphmau last night because i was worried she left for Scaleswind without protection. I saw she was sleeping and picked her up to bring her to the bed she has in my house. It turns out she was awake and we decided to have lunch together at Kawaii-Chan's place the next day. So we got there and started eating and i brought up her parents and that she couldnt go to Scaleswind unprotected. She said she was actually going to and i went off on her." I look at them and Kiki nods as Zoe gasps. "She started crying and i felt bad so i hugged her. After that i....i..." A few tears fall down my face. They both look down. "I kissed her. I kissed Lord Aphmau." They both gasp and more tears trickle down. "Im an idiot, i knew she was on edge after Laurance i just...... Guys i think i love Lord Aphmau." Tears are pouring down now. I hear more gasps and i look up. They both look extremely concerned. "Gah!!! Im supposed to be her guard!!! Not someone who loves her!!!!!" I walk upstairs toward my balcony. I stare out towards her and see her crying through her window. Irene!!! What Have I Done?!?!?!

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