Chapter 16

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---Aphmau's Pov---

"Garroth please dont die.... Please dont die!" I keep chanting this over and over until i hear Zenix say something. "Lord Aphmau we have to get back to Pheo...." "IM NOT LEAVING WIHOUT GARROTH!" I didn't want to leave. Not without Garroth. "Aphmau there is nothing we can do." "Cant Lucinda make a potion or something?!" "How about we carry him home and ask?" I look down bawling my eyes out. "O....ok" I start walking down the road my hands in fists. "I wont let anyone get hurt from me again." "What was that Lord Aphmau?" "Oh.... Nothing" I walk down the road to the village.
Our village.
My Village.
Once we get there i run like its life or death towards Lucindas house. I know she has a cool path where you have to jump and once i get there i agree. The path does look pretty cool. I head towards Lucindas door and knock on the door rapidly. She answers it and notices I've been crying. "Hey Lord Aphmau........ Why are you crying?" "Garroth...... died." She gasps. "Can you do anything Lucinda?! Please! Its all my fault!!" She frowns and looks down. "You cant bring someone back unless you have extremely powerful magicks that only Lady Irene had. Its a special kind of healing magicks. Or shadow knight magicks. I'm sorry." After hearing that i cry harder then i even thought i could. "I...its okay." I walk away crying. Garroth died. Its all my fault. I head back towards Zenix and just nod my head looking down. "She said she couldn't and that the only way to resurrect someone is either shadow knight magicks or a special kind of healing magicks only Lady Irene had. Garroth died and its all my fault." I fall to my knees at the dead guard that was one of my best friends. "Its all my fault!!!" Just then i saw a huge bright light and i passed out. "A.......Aphmau?"

---Zenix's Pov---

I saw Aphmau walking back from Lucindas crying even harder then before. Then after she told me that she couldnt do anything even I started crying. "Its all my fault!!!" Then i saw a huge bright light that blinded me for over 10 seconds. "A.....Aphmau?" I couldnt believe what i was hearing. That sounded like......GARROTH?!? After the light cleared up i saw that there was no hole in Garroth's chest and that he was opening his eyes slowly. I also saw that Aphmau was passed out. I hear a whole bunch of yelling and i saw all the magicks users and well Lucinda sprinting over. "IS APHMAU-SENPAI ALRIGHT?! KAWAII-CHAN SENSED A HUGE AMOUNT OF MAGICKS AND THAT COULD KILL SOMEBODY!!!" I also see Zoe and Kiki behind them. "Alright everyone calm down can someone explain what the Irene just happened?!" I saw Kiki step forward with Zoe and she starts speaking. "First of all i was near Lucindas place when Aphmau was there and i kind of eavesdropped. Anyway i heard what happened and i headed towards Aphmau's house to try to help her calm down. Then i felt something shift in nature. Zoe can explain the rest." Zoe nods and clears her throat. "I was also headed towards Aphmau's home after what Kiki told me what happened. As soon as we got there me and Kiki stare at eachother. It was like the whole world flipped. It made both of us feel like puking. We sensed it came from over here and all of us started running over. Theres no way Garroth was dead. He's staring at all of us right now." I look over at Garroth looking wide eyed at Aphmau. Then i see Lucinda stepping up. "Zenix can you explain what you saw?" I nod swallowing back the urge to scream. "Well i saw Aphmau crying even harder then she was before walking from Lucinda's house. She told me that only Lady Irene and shadow knights can resurrect someone. I start crying and see Aphmau fall to her knees in front of Garroth and blame herself. Then after that i saw a huge bright light and saw Aphmau passed out. Not to mention all of the sudden saw Garroth's arrow injury wasnt there and he was opening his eyes. Then i saw you guys and... well.... you know the rest." I look at Garroth and he was standing up and saying something. "So your saying i just died, Aphmau saved me, and now she's passed out on the ground?!" He has his hand on his head as if trying to process this. "Yeah. You started to run towards Laurance...." as soon as i said Laurance i was cut off by Kiki. "Wait you mean Laurance is alive?! What if he comes after Aphmau again!!!!" I shrug. I was about to say something until i got cut off by Garroth. "May i say something?" We all nod. "I had a dream the night Aphmau left. Well it was actually a nightmare. It was Laurance telling me he killed Aphmau's parents and how i cant protect her forever. Then he stepped to the side to see an extremely cut up lifeless Aphmau." He shudders. "She had cuts all along her arm and wrists. Her face was even more cut up. Her outfit was stained with blood. The worst part is was that i couldnt save her." A few tears slipped down his face. I see Zoe's face terrified. "This is bad...... This is really really bad." We all turn to Zoe who clears her throat. "I've heard about this before. After the beginning shadow knight kills a lord and reaches their full potential they have the ability to talk to humans in their sleep." She sighs. "They also have the ability to show one the future. So if what you say is true Garroth...... Aphmau is in serious danger. We all stare at Aphmau. I speak up after like a full minute of silence. "So is anyone going to tell me what the Irene happened to Garroth?! He wasnt breathing let alone now having full conversations with us!"

Im gonna end this chapter here. Again if you guys wanna draw some fan art go on ahead and send it to me! Ill post it for the next chapter if i like it. Not to mention im looking for a better cover. Love you all!!!
-Ally <3

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