Chapter 26

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Hey guys so this chapter has a song in it for the first time. Its my favorite song and when you see (Play Song) just click play!
-Ally <3

---Zenix's Pov---

I was looking everywhere for...... well..... everyone. Aphmau wasn't in the farmhouse, Garroth wasn't guarding the farmhouse, and Dante wasn't in any of the guard towers. I walk back to my house when i get a call on my amulet. "Garroth? Where are you guys?" "We can talk later i need you to go towards the eastern part of Brightport. Dante will be waiting." "Alright but what the Irene is going on?!" "Zenix just please get here quickly!" "Ok, ok, ill see you soon" I stare at the amulet in confusion. Well it seemed urgent so i should go. I throw on my armor and helm and grab my signature weapon a ruby short sword. I walk towards the docks and see a boat. I jump in and head to Brightport. Once I get there i dock my boat and head to the eastern area. This is around where the Lord's house is. I see some blue hair and run over. "Dante do you know whats going on with Garroth?" He nods. "Ill tell you when we get there. Just know that whatever you see, dont attack." I nod confused. What is he talking about. He starts running into the forest and i follow close behind. "Dante where are we go.... WOAH!" I see what looks like a huge werewolf. "Zenix calm down. Its the werewolf village. They wont hurt you unless you try to hurt them." I nod slowly. He walks into the pathway and i follow seeing little huts everywhere, not to mention two huge caves. Dante and me walk into one of the caves and I see Garroth. "Garroth what the heck is going on?! WHERE IS APHMAU?!?!" Garroth takes a deep breath and steps to the side, and i see a man. I pull out my ruby sword. "LAURENCE WHAT THE IRENE ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!" I start running towards him but Garroth puts his arm in front of him. I push Garroth away and shove my sword to Laurence's neck. "IF YOUR HERE TO TOUCH APHMAU AGAIN YOU HAVE ANOTHER THING COMING. YOU ALMOST KILLED HER YOU ASS HOLE !!!!" He gulps and I've never been so mad. I kick him pushing towards the entrance of the cave. "Zenix please let me go!" I kick him again making him leave the cave. "NO!! YOU TRAUMATIZED HER!!!" I kick him again when we got out of the cave and see that Garroth, Dante, and a huge werewolf tried to stop me. "ARE YOU IDIOTS WITH HIM?! YOU BETTER BACK OFF!!" "Garroth and Boldolf try to stop him!" I kick Laurence again to see hes wimpering. I point my sword at his throat. "ANY LAST WORDS?!?!" I feel my sword get ripped away from me. "GARROTH WHAT THE IRENE ARE YOU DOING?!" "Zenix hes a good guy!!" I give Garroth a death stare even though i have my helm on. "You dont understand Zenix! Zane made him look bad i swear!" I look down at Laurence. "Hmph fine, but if i see him do anything to Aphmau his head is on my wall." I throw my helmet down at his chest and head back in the cave. "Thanks Zenix. Im glad you believe im good." I turn to him, giving him a death stare I know he can see. "I dont, but Zane may have made you look bad because hes a prick." I turn around and head deeper in. "Garroth why did you need me?" He gulps and turns to me. "Ok so Aphmau was screaming this morning and I ran to help her. We had a huge argument and short story short Aphmau went in the nether to save Laurence. Laurence got out but Aphmau broke the portal trying to make sure Zane doesnt come in." I suddenly get super mad, and I turn towards Laurence, my hand gripping the sword handle. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!" He looks like he just got hit by a truck from those words, and he looks down. "It is..." A few tears slip from his eyes and i turn towards Garroth.
"Garroth we have to get her out!"

---Aphmau's Pov---

I was running for what seemed like hours. Flashbacks were hitting me like flies hitting monster trucks. It hurt. I had to catch my breath and I suddenly got dizzy. Garroth theres no way! Garroth!! I need to find you!! I fall down crying, gripping my sword. "Garroth please!!! You cant be evil!! You cant! Please Garroth!!" Im crawling around, too dizzy to walk. I see my partly turquoise hair fall down from my shoulders. "Garroth you cant be"
Everything turns black.

---Aphmau Memory's Pov---

I look around to see my room. Not my room in Pheonix Drop though. Is this the room from that m...mem.....dream? I stand up and look at the mirror. "I look like im 16!!!" I see my dad walk in. "Because you are 16 idiot!!" I wince at his words. "Anyway i have to go do Lord buisness, I dont want you screwing anything up like you have our lives so im locking you up." I start getting scared, as he pulls out a baseball bat.

Then everything once again is dark.

I awoke in what seemed like a basement. I tried to get up but fall over due to my legs being tied. Maybe I can try to yell for help. I attempt to speak but realize i have ducktape over my mouth. Great! Now i cant even speak!! I hear footsteps slowly going down the stairs, and once their owner gets down i recognize him. "Aph we have to get you out before your parents notice!" Zenix!! He rips off the ducktape. "Zenix!! Wh.....where am I? Arent I in the nether?" He shakes his head looking at me confused, and I realize that this has to be a memory. "I dont know what your talking about. Anyway you have cuts everywhere!!" I look around to see deep stabs everywhere. " fine... IM SO GLAD TO SEE YOU!!" He unwraps me and i hug him. "Woah Aphmau!! Its not like your gonna die tommorow!" I start crying. "Zenix no matter what you will always be here right?" He nods looking confused. "Jessica what are you talking about?!" I wimper. "Please stop calling me that. I...i like Aphmau." I sigh, crying harder. "Im so sorry!! If you somehow dont see me again I promise ill always be there no matter what!!" He starts crying.
He hugs me tighter and i pass out.

I awoke again in my room on a bed. Im wearing the same outfit but im wrapped up with bandages so im guessing this is the next day. I know what day this is. Its the day i 'die'. I NEED TO TALK TO ZENIX. As if on cue he walks in, tears pouring out of his eyes. I try to talk but my voice is basically just studders. "Z...zen...ix?" He sprints over. " dy...dying." He shakes his head. "No your not!! Please dont leave me!!" Now i start crying as i hear my heart meter slow. "Z.....z....zen..zenix st.....ay" He shakes his head. "Please Aphmau!!!" He hugs me and i hug back. "Ch....cheer u....up! le...ast do..dont wai...t f..f...f...for ex...plore." He cries harder and i smile through my tears. "Ple...please Aph!!" I hear my heart monitor slow drastically but its still a quiet beeping. "Remember your favorite song Aphmau?" I nod. "Let me sing it.."

(Play Song)

"I promise that one day I'll be around
I'll keep you safe
I'll keep you sound

Right now its pretty crazy
And I don't know how to stop or slow it down

And hey
I know there are some things we need to talk about

And I can't stay
So let me hold you for a little longer now

And take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone [2x]

You'll never be alone
When you miss me close your eyes
I may be far but never gone

When you fall asleep tonight just remember that we lay under the same stars

And hey
I know there are some things we need to talk about

And I can't stay
Just let me hold you for a little longer now

And take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone [2x]

And take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone
Never be alone."

I smile glad that he remembers my favorite song. Its like i can only think, i cant move, or talk.
"I love you Aphmau"
"Ill see you again Z...Zeni......"
The heart monitor goes a quiet beep and i see Zenix fall onto me.
You'll Never Be Alone Zenix....

So this wasnt a long chapter, basically just an extended one. Im still doing a long chapter at 2.5k! Anyway im thinking of adding a new character that you guys will create. If you guys want me to send out the things you need to fill in then just comment! Also comment if you cried during this, i definitely did especially with the music.

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