Chapter 6

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---Zenix's Pov---

I walk down the road toward my home, after it being 8 i cant really say i want to stay up longer, i did just stay in brightport for months on end. Not getting too much sleep thinking about aphmau. Shes still in pain, i know her more then i know myself. She was planning something if she was hugging all of us saying thank you. I know her. Im kinda worried now that i think about it. She could be in trouble. What was she planning. At this point im just laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. After that i fell asleep. At around 4 i got a knock on my door. "Ugh who can that be! At 4:00!! UGH!" I get up and answer the door to see Garroth breathing heavily. "Garroth what are you doing its only 4:00!" "Z...z....zenix???" "Ok man breathe tell me whats wrong." He pulls out a helmet and a peice of paper from his backpack. "Woah that looks li.." "Read the note Zenix." He said cutting me off. I grab the note motioning for him to come in and shut the door behind him. He sits on the couch and i start to read the note

I know you said i wouldnt hurt anyone but i just couldnt take the chance. Thank you for everything. You may keep my helm for i have a other one to cover my face. Thanks for everything

" she..shes fine. Shes just... just playin a joke on us thats all. Come on out Aph!" "Zenix, she...shes gone." I start crying "No..No.No.....No..No!! NO!!!" I grab my armor and my helm. I put them on "Zenix?!? Where are..." "Im finding her" I said cutting Garroth off. I grab my sword and the note shoving it in my pocket. I start to leave when i see garroth put his hand on my shoulder. "Garroth, thank you for teaching me how to be a guard, but i have to.." "Zenix, Im coming with you."I open the door. "Then lets go." I wake up Dale to tell him that we are leaving and that he will be head guard until we get back. Why Aphmau... No..No... Not Again Please.

---Aphmau's Pov---

"Hey Thorgi! Dont be sad we will find a village eventually! Trust me! But for now lets make camp." I grab the stuff needed and make everything. I put my crutches down to the side and hug thorgi. "Its okay p..pal we will see them again i swear." I look down and start sobbing "im so sorry Zenix, Garroth, Kawaii-Chan, Zoe. Im trying to keep you safe. Away from here." Away from me.

---Zenix's Pov---

We headed out and im not stopping. "Zenix we should make a camp" "Go on ahead. Ill keep finding her." "Zenix we will i swear." I start crying i turn around filled with anger "YOU DONT KNOW HER GARROTH. SHE SAVED MY LIFE. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE. I HAD NO IDEA WHAT SHE WAS GOING THROUGH WHY DID YOU EVEN COME GARROTH? TO STOP ME??? SHE WAS A SISTER TO ME, I SHOULDVE BEEN THERE. I SHOULD HAVE SAVED HER FROM THAT ARROW. I SHOULDVE SAVED HER FROM THAT HAMMER. SHE WOULD BE RIGHT HERE GARROTH IF IT WASNT FOR ME." I start bawling "APH PLEASE. WE HAVE A REASON FOR OUR CONCLUSIONS PLEASE COME BACK!!! YOU WONT HURT ANYONE!! YOU HAVENT HURT ANYONE!! IT WAS MY FAULT. IM SO SORRY APH!! PLEASE COME BACK!!! YOUR MY ONLY FAMILY!!" Garroth walks over and sits down next to me. "Z..zenix?" I look over and he takes off his helm. I see him crying. He sighs "Zenix im here because i have feelings for Aphmau. Wether or not i love her i dont know yet, but i dont like her like you do. Im.." A few more tears slip down his face "Im attracted to her Zenix. And shes... shes gone." He starts crying for real now. Me missing my sister and Garroth missing his love. "Garroth im sorry for what i said, i just......i want her to be safe Garroth." "Its ok Zenix. I understand. Lets... lets just go find her. Maybe she will be ok." "G..g..Garroth? know how she almost got assasinated but we were there to save her?" "Yes i remember that." I gulp "Shes alone Garroth. With no one to save her."
If We Do Even Find Her. She May Be Dead

---Garroth's Pov---

As soon as Zenix said that we looked at eachother and started sprinting.
I finally realise im attracted to Aphmau, but do i love her. I dont know. Is it love if i want to protect her with every ounce of my body even if it means risking my own life. Even if it means i die. Even if it means that ill have to kill someone to save her. I..i really do think thats love. "Garroth is that a camp??? APHMAU?!?" I get juttered out of my thoughts when i see a camp. A dog. A.. A Girl. I whisper. "Aphmau" Me and Zenix sprinted to where we saw the camp and woke Aphmau up. "Guys? GUYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!?!" Me and Zenix stare at eachother. "Aphmau... me and Garroth was so worried!!" He bends down and squeezes Aphmau. Once he lets go i can see Aphmau sobbing. "Garroth. Zenix go... go away i dont wanna hurt you." Then she starts wincing. And i mean like shes getting stabbed. She starts sobbing even more. "Aphmau we arent leaving you. Not again. Never again." She looks up and i saw something ill never forget. The face of happiness turn to hurt. She passed out right in front of my eyes. She woke up a few seconds later looking extremely dizzy. "APHMAU WHATS WRONG?!" I hated to scream at her but i needed to know. " leg." She passed out again. "GARROTH GRAB HER. RUN RUN RUN!! THORGI GO GET ZOE AND KAWAII-CHAN!!" Thorgi ran in front of us getting help.
I know she was in pain
I know she was crying
I know she was hurt
I know she had a hard past
I know she doesnt tell me
I know she doesnt tell Zenix
And its all my fault

I saw her wake up. "Shh go to bed" "Why is someone shoving katanas in my leg" She starts bawling. I take her to the farm house. Zoe is there waiting for me, asking me what happened. "Zoe i dont even know right now she was extremely dizzy when she told me." "Garroth... i knew it." "What are you talking about Zoe?" "You have feelings for Aph" I start blushing "Wha?!?!? why would you think that?!?" "Your secret is safe with me dont worry. You should probobly go. I dont think your gonna wanna hear this. I am one of Aphmau's friends and even I dont wanna hear it. Shes special Garroth. She's gonna change the world one day. Shes gonna be the next Lady Irene." She smiles and i leave. But i do know something.
I Am In Love With.. Aphmau

Woah woah woah woah guys this is a major chapter.
Will Aph be ok after the attack?
Will Garroth ever tell Aph that he loves her?
Seriously Thorgi stop eating the dang leaves!! :D
Thank you guys so much for reading!!!! Love each and every one of you. Next chapter comin up soon!!!!
-Ally <3

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