Chapter 29

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Before the chap this is also going to be a longer chapter due to the last one being partly short for being a "Long Chapter". Alright thats all, love you guys!
-Ally <3

---Aphmau's Pov---

I was staring at the ceiling. I couldnt sleep, and was constantly looking at the clock. I shift in my bed repeatedly.

"Im going out there and im going to fight."

Ever sense O'Kasis guards started attacking, i had Brian standing in front of my door. Whenever i would try to see what was going on he would stop me. 'Garroth Said' Or whatever. Hes one of my friends yet he wont leave me unprotected. Everyone is in a safehouse thats under ground where there is enough food and room to last a century. I sigh and get out of bed.

"Irene! Where is my sword?!"

I look through my dresser. Basically holding the things i dont want my friends to see. I feel the bottom and i see the purple sword.


I would normally grab armor but Garroth took it away because he didnt think i would need it because i shouldnt be without a guard at all times. I walk down to my basement, in which i made a secret tunnel towards the plaza for an emergency exit. I push the correct code and walk through sighing.

"I may not walk away from this."

I take the mask i had in my backpack and threw it on.

"Time to protect my village."

I run out from the mine and see a few guards in the plaza. I take them out an breathe in.

"Aph, you knew this was going to happen. You knew that running away from Scaleswind was going to cost you, and it may risk others."

I sigh and head towards the wall where my leg gets sliced but i swung around getting his face. I reach in my backpack to grab a completely black outfit. I run into the forest, and throw it on over my current ones. I throw on the cloak, which makes me totally unrecognizable. I breathe in deeply.

Time To Protect Your Family...

---Garroth's Pov---

I grip my sword swinging at multiple opponents. I would have normally given up to breathe for a moment but instead whenever i hit my target its like my heart is fueled to do more.

Its Because The More You Have To Kill, The More You Can Protect Aphmau.

I look over at Laurence who seems to have a ton of guards running at him. I attack half of them and realise that they arent going after him, but at.....

Aphmau's House...


He nods violently and sprints off, while me and Dante kill a whole bunch of them. I had a feeling they were mostly in the plaza so i had Dante kill the ones over there while i ran towards the plaza. When i get there i see a man cloaked in a black coat killing them.


The anger from O'Kasis not to mention that Aphmau was stuck in a house without anyone inside to keep her from freaking out just went all out. The guy in the mask turned towards me and runs off into the woods. I slay the last 2 and look down.
There are like 20 guys here!!

I wanted to chase after him because it felt like there was something about him. I decide against it and run towards the gates and accidently run into Laurence who looks more pale then white itself.

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