Chapter 21

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I TOLD YOU DAT DA STORY IS GONNA GO ON!! TRUST MEH!! IMMA DOCTOR!! No but seriously, thanks for all of yah support. Anyway here's a riddle for whats gonna happen...
If You Have Any Family...Keep Them Close, They May Be Gone One Day But Back Another. Just Make Sure Your Always There...
Anyway lets start the chapter!

---Zenix's Pov---

Its like im shot. No... its a million times worse then just that. Its like someone ripped me limb from limb and stabbed me multiple times from just those words.
"S....s...see you g...g...guys l..later."
She knew she was dying. "Aphmau......please!" She gives a worn out smile. "Please!!" She waves goodbye and her hand dropped. "APHMAU PLEASE DONT LEAVE!!!" I even heard Garroth bawling.
Im just laying there.
Next to best friend.
Next to my sister.
"MAYBE WE COULD STILL HELP HER? GARROTH CAN YOU CARRY HER TO THE VILLAGE?" He nods still crying. He picks her up and ive never ran so fast in my life. I start yelling at everyone so they could help. "KIKI, ZOE, AND KAWAII-CHAN!! I NEED YOU OVER HERE!" They all stare at me confused but nod. "BRIAN AND DALE STAND GUARD!!!" I see Garroth run into the farmhouse. I run towards the farmhouse crying harder than i was before when she was TOLD to be dead. I didnt understand then. That was only 4 years ago but i was still a teenager. I didnt understand that i wouldnt see her smile again. I fling the door open and see a bleeding......dead........Aphmau. I look at Garroth who had his helm off, crying, and just repeating No under his breath. A few seconds later i see Aphmau's friends run in looking extremely confused and stared at us with worry. "Z..Z...Zenix? Garroth? APHMAU!!!" After Kiki yelled she sprinted over to Aphmau. She turns to us, tears falling down her face. She whispers.
"Wh....what h..happened to o...o...our Lord?"

---Garroth's Pov---

After Kiki said that i cried harder. I almost never cry, but this moment couldnt be stopped. I take off my helmet and chuck it at the ground. Why.............WHY HER?! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET THIS BE A NIGHTMARE!! A HORRIBLE HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE!! I decide to answer Kiki. "So w...we didnt see her all day. A...apparently Zane told her we were shadow knights. Sh...she r...ran towards the woods and and Zenix chased after her. On....once we s...saw her she was cut up wi...with Zane's sword. Zenix ran to help her and i f...f...fought Zane. She pushed me away and she continued to fight Zane. Wh.....when he said that he could destroy our village Aphmau dropped her sword. I could tell she wanted to fight. She barely had any experience fighting, but she wanted to fight for the village. She turns to us and Zane stabs through her arm. She......she.......she falls and slices Zane behind her with the bracelet. He falls over and she kills him. Protecting our village. Protecting all of us..... she wanted to die this way. To save all of us. She................ died." I fall on my knees and shake my head. Zenix, me, and all the girls crying from what just happened. I see the amethyst sword leaned up against her bed. I grab the purple murder weapon and my helm and i run towards the ocean, crying, hoping, ........Wishing. THAT SHOUlD HAVE BEEN ME!!! MY OWN BROTHER KILLED APHMAU!!! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!!!!!! As i get to the ocean and chuck the sword out into the water and i sit in front of it. Memories flowing back of Aphmau.
She died for us...
For Zenix.....
For Me......
I look down to see the flower crown and hug it. Please don't let this happen. I will always be here Aphmau!! Please don't leave me alone in this village!!! I grip onto the flower crown, and stare at it. Wishing i was just sleeping. I stare at the ocean wiping away my tears. I look at the ocean and gently put the flower crown on the water. As it floats away a grip something that ill never let go of.
The Bracelet Aphmau Used To Kill Zane...

---Zenix's Pov---

I swallow back more tears as i stare at my dead sister. Zoe and Kawaii-Chan left, they said they wanted some time to themselves speaking their best friend just died. "Zenix i think sh...shes actually dead." I shake my head and look behind m to see Kiki who looks like shes been crying for hours. " she... she has to be alive!!" I cry knowing its not going to bring her back. "Aphmau please....PLEASE WAKE UP!!" I fall on my knees and cry. A few seconds later i see Kiki doing the same thing. "Zenix there has to be a way to wake her up!!! THERE HAS TO BE!!" I look at Kiki as shes holding a picture of her and Aphmau. She notices me looking at it. "Zoe took a picture with me and Aphmau once we gave her a makeover." She cries harder. "She understood me Zenix!! She was my best friend!" She puts her head down. I hear a knock on the door and turn around to see Cadenza. Oh Irene! We haven't told Cadenza! "Hey guys have you seen Lord Aphmau? I finished making an outfit for her, because Laurence ruined her favorite dress." Me and Kiki look up to see her suddenly concerned. "Are you guys alright? You look like your crying!" We both look up at Aphmau laying upon the bed. Her jaw just dropped and tears were showing in the corners of her eyes. "Wh.....what happened?!" I stand up and face Cadenza. "She died protecting the village from Zane." Cadenza gasped and the tears that were threatening to come down, fell down in full force. "N....No!! cant be!!!" She stepped back. Hitting the wall and covering her mouth. She runs out leaving Aphmau's outfit behind and runs towards her house. I look at Kiki and she stands up pointing towards the door. I look that direction to see Thorgi and Sean Connery. I look down and shake my head. Thorgi barks and jumps up on the bed. He crawls under his dead owners arm and falls asleep. Sean on the other hand crawls up to her face, and nudges her as if he wanted to wake her up. "Lets go Zenix." I nod crying more as i left the farmhouse...........Until i heard a quiet beeping on Aphmau's heart monitor.

Alright everyone thanks for reading this amazing chapter. Comment if you started tearing up while reading this. Hmph your funny! I...uh....didnt cry while writing this.....Haha..... Ok maybe a little. Anyway love you all!
-Ally <3

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