Chapter 27

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---Zenix's Pov---

Im looking through the library trying to find a book about the nether. Dante and Garroth are talking to the werewolf tribe and Laurence is with me in the Brightport library. "Flowers, creatures, animals, fire, NATURE, WEAPONS, GAH!!" I throw a book on the ground and sit on the ground hearing her voice ringing through my brain. Stay Strong Zenix. "Zenix trust me i want to find her too. We just have to find a book about the nether." I scowl at him. "You have no idea Laurence. She would be right here if it wasnt for you!" "Well at least she would risk her life for me, unlike you im guessing." "GUYS! YOUVE BEEN BICKERING ALL DAY!" We look over to see Dante walk in. "Well maybe if this idiot didnt become a shadow knight.." "AT LEAST I RISKED MY LIFE FOR HER!!" I step closer so we are only inches apart. "AT LEAST APHMAU ACTUALLY TRUSTS THAT I WONT TURN INTO A RANDOM CASANOVA!!!" "AT LEAST I SAVED APHMAU ONE TIME!!!" "WELL I WOULDNT HAVE TO SAVE APHMAU IF IT WASNT FOR YOU!!" "AT LEAST I WOULD SAVE HER IF I WAS THERE WHEN HER FAMILY BEAT HER!!" "GUYS STOP!!" We dont even look over at Dante. "DONT GET ON MY NERVES LAURENCE! I DIDNT LOCK IN THE NETHER!!!!" "WELL AT LEAST I DEFENDED HER WHEN ZANE ATTACKED!!" I took my sword and swung it towards him but it was blocked wirh a diamond one. Garroth's signature weapon. "I LEAVE YOU GUYS ALONE FOR AN HOUR AND YOUR READY TO SLICE SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF?!" I turn towards Garroth and i put my sword to my side and scowl at him. "Here we got Garroth being mature..... unlike the shadow knight over here." He winces at my words and walks into one of the isles of the library. I growl and get back to the bookshelves. "Guys you both need to stop!! We all for Aphmau!" I chuckle. "Well maybe if you confessed your feelings lover boy!" I hear Laurence laugh. "I...i d...dont know what your talking about!!" I start full blown laughing now. "Alright alright enough all 3 of you! Especially you lover boy!" I walk over to Dante and give him a high five, and Laurence does the same. "I d...dont h..have feelings f..for Aphmau!!" I start laughing harder. "Then why do you insist on trying to find her? I get why me, Zenix, and Dante want to but shouldn't you be in Phoenix Drop?" I give Laurence a high five. "At least you guys are friends now..." I head back to one of the isles. "Did you guys find any information at the werewolf tribe?" "Yes they said theres a book about it in Meteli, explaining how to get a portal and everything." I smile.
"Well guys what are we waiting for?!"

---Garroth's Pov---

I shouldn't have left my bed this morning. I wouldnt have made Aphmau mad at me. I wouldnt be made fun of. On the other hand though, at least i know Aphmau left. That may have been ba.... "Garroth? Were here." I jump but nod. We got out of the boat and we headed straight towards the library. I wait outside while the other 3 guys walk in. They run out shortly after holding a huge book. "Did you guys get it?" They all nod in unison and we all run straight towards the dock. "Garroth what if this doesn't work?" I look over at Laurence and Zenix who both look terrified. "It will."
We Are Coming Aphmau.

---Aphmau's Pov---

I awoke from my memory shocked. Tears crystallized at the corners of my eyes. "Good morning Jessica." I breathe in deeply, gripping onto my sword with all of my might. "Its Aphmau." "Your real name is Jessica!" I stand up pointing the sword to his neck, and not showing my emotions as i grit my teeth. "Its......APHMAU!!" I try to put away my emotions and show a straight face, but the sorrow and anger is creeping in as I see one of my best friends standing there with a purple amethyst sword pointed to his neck. "If you are Garroth how do you know my name?!" I gulp. "Zenix told me." I stare at him with no emotion.
Wanting to hug him.
Wanting to tell him that im scared.
Wanting to tell him that he will forever be my knight and friend.
I stifle back tears as i slowly lower my sword. "Aphmau...." Crystallized tears fall down my face as i stare into the blue eyes. Tinted with red... "Garroth... i need to get out of here. Im sorry." "Aphmau I love you!" I step back falling.

---Garroth's?? Pov---

It cracks me up that she believes im my brother. "Please Aphmau dont leave me!" I see tears fall down her face and i have to stifle back a smile. "THE REAL GARROTH DOESNT LOVE ME!!! NO ONE DOES!!!" I see her wince heavily at my words. "EXACTLY BITCH!!! YOUR GOING TO DIE HERE WITH ME!!" She starts sobbing. "Garroth!!" I walk over pulling out the signature sword. Hmph Garroth has good taste in weaponry. She backs up falling over the cliff but holds onto the edge. I stab her hand with the sword making it go into the ground under that hand and shake my head pretending that i didn't want to do this. "Im.... Sorry.... Jess...." She cries harder. "You dont have to leave me here Garroth!!! Please!!!" I wince at her words. "Im sorry, i have too...." I walk away smiling.
Bye Aphmau!!

Anyway guys we are sooo close to 2.5k reads which means that ill be able to post that long chapter so look out for that!! Love you all!
-Ally <3

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