Chapter 19

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Alrighty everyone! I have reached 1.5k reads!! Thanks everyone so so much! For a reward.... DADADADADADADADADADADADA

---Garroth's Pov---

"Gah where did i put that bracelet?!" Im searching around all over my bed area to look for Aphmau's charm bracelet. I knew i was late because i had to take a small shift before the party but i didnt mean to be this late. "I just wanna find the bracelet so i dont miss her birthday party!" I open my drawer and see the bracelet. I pull the eagle charm onto the bracelet and notice that the charm from Laurance is........back.....on. "WHAT?! THAT CHARM WASN'T ON BEFORE!!" I try to yank it off and instead it burns me. "Ow! This is strange. Ill have Zoe take it off with her magicks." I walk out the door with the bracelet in my hand towards Kiki's barn. Once i get there i see Aphmau puking, and i run over. She pukes again and points to the charm bracelet.
Then she passes out. Zenix starts to shake her trying to wake her up. "APHMAU?!" I start to back up. I did this. I did this. I made her sick. I did this. "Garroth let me have this bracelet." I nod and give it to Zoe. She bubbles it in her barrier magicks. I saw Zenix carrying Aphmau towards my house. I look down, and a few tears slip through my helm. I look up to see Brian sprinting towards me. "Brian whats wrong?" "There is someone important asking to see the Lord." I sigh. "Tell him that he may sleep at the extra empty house we have until tomorrow. Then Aphmau will hopefully be awake." He nods and runs off. I walk towards my house, thinking about what I've done. UGH LAURANCE WHY?! When i get to my house i open the door to see Zenix talking with Aphmau. "So Aph how are you feeling?" I hear a faint laugh. "Yeah I'm fine i was just dizzy that's all." Then i here her puking. "Ill be here don't worry." "Ill be ok i just.... don't really feel very well." I walk in to the bedroom. "Hey guys." She smiles. "Hey Garroth." "Zenix... i got her you need sleep." He looks at her. "I'll be ok Zenix trust me." He nods and leaves. "Dont feel bad Garroth that wasnt your fault i....uh...just got sick. I dont know what caused it. Maybe i just had too much cake." I sigh. "Lord Aphmau do you happen to know of a charm.... from Laurance?"

---Aphmau's Pov---

As soon as he said Laurance i start shaking. "L...l....Laurance?! But i th...thought he d.....died." Garroth walks over, and I start hyperventilating. "Aphmau calm. Breathe." "G....Garroth what if h...he comes a...after me?" I start breathing faster. "Aphmau breathe." "G.......Garroth. I d..d..dont want him to c...come here." I keep hyperventilating until Garroth hugs me. "Shh. I wont let that happen." I nod and drift off to sleep.

~~~NEXT DAY~~~

I never got too much sleep. I was up all night puking. It was honestly horrible. I got up at around 7 to get dressed. I put on a beautiful dress, sandals, and a flower crown in my hair. I smile. "There we go. Lord of Phoenix Drop coming through!" I laugh. I walk out to see Brian walking towards me. "Good morning Lord Aphmau. There is someone who would like to see you." I nod. "Follow me." We walk to the extra house which has two guards in front of it. I knock on the door. A man with a mask and a big cross on his shirt answers. "Hello miss. My name is Zane. Im the High Priest from Ohkasis. Who might you be?" I smile. "Hi! My name is Aphmau! Im the Lord of Pheonix Drop!" He smiles. "Hello Lord Aphmau. I would like to talk to you about something." I nod and walk through the doors. We both sit down and he begins to speak. "Im not sure if you noticed but i think... your guards are trying to kill you." I laugh. "Is that some kind of sick joke?" He shakes his head. "First off i saw one of your guards put a potion in your cake. When you swallowed it you got sick. Am i correct?" I look down. it actually possible? "Y...yes." "Also that charm bracelet that other guard gave you is cursed. I know only because that charm is an ancient relic. Its made for killing people." I swallow back tears. "Oh yeah and Laurance? Me and him were great friends. He told me that Zenix and Garroth was forcing him to kill you. He actually loved you, with all of his heart." A few tears slipped down my face. "He didnt wanna have to do it but Zenix and Garroth made him a shadow knight. After that he just went nuts." Im sobbing now. "Th...thanks Zane. F..for telling me." He nods. "I dont want Garroth or Zenix knowing that i told you this because they might also go after me. Is it alright if you dont tell anyone?" I nod."I just dont want to see a pretty woman like you get hurt." I walk out the door. I wasnt sure if i was mad or sad. It cant be. No way Zenix or Garroth would try and hurt me. But there isnt any reason for Zane to hate me so he cant be lying. Maybe Dante will train me how to fight. That way i can go places myself. Without them. If im left alone with them what would happen to me? I look up to see Dante staring at me worriedly. "Uh...Lord Aphmau? Are you ok?" "Uh... yeah. Just havent got too much sleep." He laughs. "Heh i know how that feels." He starts to walk past me. "Wait Dante. Can you do me a favor?" He turns around and nods. "Can you teach me how to.... fight?" He looks at me surprised. "Why dont you ask Garroth or Zen.." I decide to cut him off. "I rather have you do it." He nods. "Of course. It would be an honor. When do you want to start?" "Are you ok with right now?" He smiles. "Yeah of course!" We start to walk to the guard station where they are training new fighters. "Up here! We have some dummys you can use because your just starting." I smile running after him. Im glad he's so enthusiastic. I want everyone to just be happy..... is there really any way that they could be killing me? Well the charm about Garroth, also the Laurance thing. Could they really truly be shadow knights trying to kill me. "Lord Aphmau you ok?" I jump. "Oh yeah sorry. Just a little spaced out." He laughs. "I get the same way when im tired. Here have this sword." He hands me an amethyst sword. "This sword looks amazing" He smiles. "I thought that one day if you were going to go on a mission or something you could be able to protect yourself with this." I smile and hug him. "Thanks Dante!!" "Heh no problem." I let go and he pulls out two mythril swords. "Lets get to training!"

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