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During lunch...

"Miku, what the hell! He looks just like Ryouichi...He even has his name and surname. He's also 5'8 and he's nineteen!" I exclaimed at Miku. "Oh stop it you... anything could be possible! I knew from the start that you're happy when you saw him..." Miku said with a big smirk. "How could this be possible?" I said  . Miku has her laptop with her the whole time then she researched about the game. "Y'know what, he kept on looking at you from the start..." Miku said out of nowhere. "He looked at me when we had a group project... I didn't know what to do... I smiled at him." I said with a faint smile. 


"Realy? You smiled at him?"Miku asked then she was laughing at me and kept on teasing me the whole break.

After lunch...

Miku and I went to our next class . We saw again Ryouichi, I was surprised that he has already made friends. "So today I'm going to give you a new project, I will group you into pairs..." Our proffessor said. Ughh... another project? Why do they fill us with so much work?! "The deadline is on monday next week... It's not an easy task so I expect all of you to cooperate with your partners that I will assign to you..." He said. Our proffessor already has a list of pairs...Oh I hope I wopuld be paired up with Miku...Though it's not possible. "Grp. 13, Miku and Laura..." he said I look at Miku as if I was a puppy. "S-sorry, Cherie!" Miku said with sympathetic eyes. "Grp. 15 Ryouichi and Cherie..." he said. FUDGECAKE! WHAT THE HELL NOOO PLEASE NOO...Then I saw Ryouichi look at me with his beautiful eyes then he winked at me and gave me a smile. AHHH NOOO!! "Hey, Cherie, you look like a tomato right're so red!'' Miku said "Miku save mee!" I said to her. Girls looked at me with envy...UGHH... NO... "Okay, it's settled!" our prof said. Ughh... My heart was beating so fast and my hands our cold...I WAS VERY NERVOUS.

"Okay so I'll give you the time to meet and discuss the things you need to do with your partners." he said. "Hey Cherie!" a familliar voice called my name and I FROZE. "I got the things needed..." he said "H-hey are you okay?" he whispered to my ear. He was behind me..."Y-yes... I'm fine." I said. He grabbed my hand and we went to the corridor where no one else is around,to begin our meeting... "So your name's Cherie huh?" he said I can't look up to him. I can't look at him straight in the eyes..."Y-yes..." I said with a soft stiff voice. He held my hand again "Woah, you're so cold... Don't worry I won't bite you, Cherie, I'll take care of you..." I can sense he's having fun... 

"C-can I see the instructions ?" I said. "No, not yet until I get to know you more..." He said, WHAT NOW? "Uhmm... Okay?" I said "I'll just write our names on the pa--" ,"Aren't you listening to me? I want to get to know you better..." He said, he prevent my hand from writing. "We can do the project later..." ....AWKWARD..."Okay..." I said, WHAT SHOULD I DO? "So your names Cherie..." he stole the pen that I was holding and he, himself wrote our names on the paper. I noticed that the spelling of my name was wrong and I interrupted him "Uh-mm, My name's not spelled like that..." I said. "Really?" then I spelled my name for him. 

"So it's spelled, C-H-E-R-I-E... Ohh I thought it was S-H-E-R-I-E." He said. We sat on the floor... He sat and he kept on looking at me... "You know what, I met someone who looks like you but even more beautiful." He said randomly...what the heck... "Really?" I said. "I've seen this girl at the hotel where I'm staying at...She wore a pretty dress and black heels...Her hair was untied. Could it be you?" He said while looking at my face, he was so focused on me that I couldn't move. I can tell he's smiling. HE SAW ME AT THE HOTEL WHAT THE HELL....URGHH I DON'T WANT SOMEONE FROM THE SCHOOL TO NOTICE ME! "Uh-mm, maybe you've got the wrong person..." I muttered. "Really?" he said sarcastically... then "Ow..." HE PULLED MY HAIR TIE... "Oh... I see, y'know it's better not to lie, You made me more interested in you.Why hide your beautiful soft hair from everyone?" he said... then he touched and played with my hair... "W-well they're not used to see my hair untied..." I said... 

"Y'know, you shouldn't be afraid of what they might say...You're beautiful,Cherie and I want to get to know you more..." He said while combing my hair with his hands. "TIME'S UP!" our proffessor said. I quickly tied my hair back. "I should've hide your hair tie... " he said to me with a devastated child look. He really is childish..."Goodbye partner!" he winked at me. "So anyone from each group ,report your progress..." SHI--,"Sir, our group made a lot of progress!" Ryouichi suddenly stood up. WHAT THE HECK WE DIDN'T EVEN DONE A SINGLE THING! "We plan to divide each task by 5, Cherie  will solve five problems so am I. We will start solving the problems tomorrow. I will present the solutions through powerpoint." He said. WHAT? HE HAS A PLAN? REALLY? Then he winked at me again after reporting..."Very good grp. 15..." Our proffessor said. "Ooooh... You've got a hardworking partner huh, Cherie?"Miku chuckled, "Hey are you okay? Do you have a fever Cherie? You're so red!"  Miku added then laughed again.


I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS DAY! IS IT JUST A DREAM?!  I SLAPPED MYSELF "Ughh... It really is real life?!" I said to myself then some passerby stared at me with a puzzled look. "Ms. are you alright?" She asked me..."Uhm yes... I just have some problem..." I said. "Ohh..." then she walked away  from me briskly. 


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