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During the meeting...

"So happy to be with me for this schoolyear?" Ryouichi asked... "..." I pretended not to hear. 

"I'll be heading to the washroom..." I said. "Kay..." He said. I headed to the washroom and I became absent-minded , why come here in the frist place? I looked at the mirror. I sang "Grenade" by Bruno Mars... I looked at the mirror while I sang. Then I heard someone  outside of thewashroom . "Hey Cherie, hurry up!" It was Ryouichi he was in front of the door... I stopped singing... Ughh.. did he hear my voice? Ugh...

"H-hi..." I said ... "Who's the girl singing inside the washroom?" He asked. "Uhm I don't know... I think it's someone from a cubicle..." I lied I was the only person inside the washroom. "Whoever she is, she's great in singing! Let's wait for her to leave the washroom and let's praise her..." he said. WHAT THE HELL?! I'M DEAD... I WAS THE ONLY PERSON INSIDE...

"But I thought you said we should hurry up?" I said... "Well I want to see her, hmm maybe she's beautiful like her voice..." SH*T.  "Maybe I'll head to the classroom already..." I told him then I tried to walk away from him then suddenly he grabbed my arm... "Oh c'mmon Cherie, Let's wait for her..." He said. 


"M-maybe she's having a hard time you know...Are you sure you want to wait for her?" I told him. "I don't care if it takes much time her voice was beautiful. I want to see if her face is also beautiful..."  He said, he was acting like a child again.


"F-fine, It was me..." I confessed... "I was singing..." I can't look at him I was really embarrased. "You're joking right?" He said... "Yes it was me..." I said. "A-are you sure it was you?" He asked again... "Yes it was me let's go to the classroom already..." I decided to head to the classroom... "Wow, You've got a beautiful voice Cherie!" Ryouichi said... I didn't turned around... "Th-thanks...?" I whispered. 

We headed to my seat and he sat beside me. "You're so interesting Cherie... You're pretty, smart and talented..." He said. "I don't think so, maybe you're reffering to Kaylyn..." I said. "And you're too modest! I think I'm falling for you..." I can't look ughh...


"Good morning class..." Our proffesor said... He discussed about talents and stuff before we proceed to the main subject.... 

"So anyone of you has a talent in singing?" she said. "Kaylyn!" the class shouted... Yeah Kaylyn has a talent in singing though she can't sing high notes... her voice was suited for bossa nova or acoustic? I think mine is.... Wait why am I thinking about this, I'm not good at singing right? The class wanted a song sang by Kaylyn... then she started to sing One Direction's "What makes you beautiful" . I saw Ryouichi give a disagreeable look... and I saw him whisper something to his friend Benedict. I saw Benedict with a shock look on his face... heard him say "Really? Are you sure about that?" I saw Ryouichi nodded then he saw me look at them and chuckled... 

"Ma'am I know someone here from class who also knows how to sing!" Ryouichi raised his hand .... UGHH.... "Well who is it?" Our proffesor asked... "She's---" I interrupted them and "Ma'm may I go to the washroom?" I asked... "Cherie, I thought you already went to the washroom before my class?" She said , SH*T.... UGHHH WHY DOES KEPT ON TEASING ME LIKE THIS... Ryouichi gave me a big evil grin... WAAAAHH.... "So Mr.Usui what're are you saying..." she continued, My heart was beaitng fast I'm so nervous... "Oh nothing Ma'm ...." Then I saw Ryouichi snicker... Whew!  


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