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I wonder who sent those text messages...

Could it be Miku? Hmm... I don't know.


Ryouichi approached me again... He saw me looking at my phone. "Who's that?" , "Dunno..." I shrugged. "Hey, why can't you speak in Filipino? Y'know it's hard for me to speak always in English... Oh and by the way I didn't hear you speak Japanese before..." ... "Why brought this up?" he asked. "Nothing just curious..." I said. "I told you before I can't speak Filipino but I can understand it so speak Filipino whenever you like! Hey you're opening up again!" he said then laughed.

"Yeah, Cherie, you're not shy anymore..." Benedict reassured. "Seriously...?" I said to myself. "I'm so sleepy..."  , "You're sleepy?" Ryouichi asked in English. "C'mmon, why won't you speak in Filipino..." I said.

Then he rolled his eyes then smirked "Mahal kita..."  He said "I love you" in Filipino!  WHAAAAAT?

"HAAAAAAAA?" I said...then Benedict looked shocked... "Seriously?" .

"Well you told me to speak in Filipino right?" he asked then grin. "Whatever..." I said. 

Then some of our classmates went inside the classroom, Kaylyn was with them...

"Hey, Ryouichi and Benedict..." Kaylyn greeted the wonly the two of them, WOW I was completely ignored..."Hey, K-kaylyn!" Benedict greeted her back. Ryouichi went back to his seat then he put his head down on his desk...

He's mimicking me...I always put my head down my desk and pretend to be asleep. 


Then Kaylyn was'nt satisfied cause Ryouichi didn't greet her so she appraoched Ryouichi's seat. "Hey sleepy head..." she said...

Pfft... She looks like the genderbent of Ryouichi. HAHAHA, I secretly laughed. 

My phone vibrated, there was a new text message from the unknown peroson who texted me...

"Hey, why are you laughing? Who ordered you to laugh?" Wait is this from Ryouichi just now?

I looked at him... He was holding his smartphone...He tried to hide it under his desk.

How'd he got my number? "Hey, what are you looking at?" Kaylyn suddenly noticed me looking at them... then I looked away. 

My phone vibrated again...

"Help me! x__x friend!"

It was again from Ryouichi...Why does he hate Kaylyn so much?

I replied..."BWAHAHAHAHA That's what you get!" I laughed at myself...

then he replied immediately...

"I promise if you help me I'll never annoy you again..."

"Pfft, whatever...You like girls right? BWAHAHA." I replied.

"Ooooh, you're opening up... NYAHAHA >:)))" He replied. then suddenly "Hey, you're not asleep! You're texting..." Kaylyn noticed..."Who are you texting?" she asked...

"My girlfriend..." Ryouichi lied... WHAT THE HECK?! GIRLFRIEND? WHATEVER...

"You have a girlfriend?" Kaylyn asked...then Ryouichi nodded "Uh-huh." 


Our first class bell rang...

Then our professor eventually appeared..."G'morning class..." he said "Today, I will announce the most awaited event...We will have our fieldtrip, oh I mean your exposure trip..." WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? "So today, I'll discuss what we will bring..." he told us the guidelines and everything...We are supposed to go to different business establishments in Makati City, where there are lots of buildings. Our first visit is in a hotel then second is a popular restaurant third is a popular clothes store. We are tasked to interview the owners of this establishments.

"Any questions?" Our professor asked. "Sir!" One of my classmate raised his hand. "What about the seating arrangements inside the bus?" he asked out of nowhere..."We all agreed about it, I'll have you pick your partners but I have to approve it first...But then if you won't behave, I'll assign a partner for all of you..." FUDGECAKE! I just remembered Miku's not here... UGH I DON'T HAVE ANYONE WITH ME! "Today I'll give you the time to pick your bus-partners,  I need each pair to formulate questions to the business owners..."



EVERYBODY'S BUSY PICKING EACH OTHER'S PARTNER. I WAS ALONE AS EXPECTED SO I DIDN'T PLAN TO STAND UP AND PICK SOMEONE...Then I saw Kaylyn her bestfriend, Annika was asking her to be her partner but Kaylyn refused...She went to Ryouichi then "Hey, do have a partner?" she asked him then Ryouichi caught me looking at them... Then he smirked at me. "Yeah, I have a partner." he said..."Who?" , "Benedict..." , "But Benedict i partnered with Carlo..." , "Oh really, hmm then, Cherie!" he said. 

Oh c'mmon I hate this Japanese-Spanish speaking in English, flirt annoying boy...

I ended up being his partner... I had no choice... 

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