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It already Thursday in the morning huh... 

Ughh... Another day again! Before I went to shower I fixed my bag and my stuff and make sure that I didn't left my homework... I always forget things. As usual as one of my favorite things I played a song while I shower.

I headed downstairs quickly, I was surprised I didn't see mom in the kitchen! I headed again upstairs, I was shocked when I saw mom was still asleep. I rushed towards her and she talked to me with sleepy voice " Ughhh... I don't feel good today. I think I have a headache. Hey, Cherie, can you cook for everyone while I rest? There are eggs inside the fridge and there are tasty breads on the table. " , "Ok... mom, Get well soon!" I said and kissed her forehead.

Again I went downstairs, I found my brother on the sofa still sleeping looked up the clock inside the living room and I couldn't see the numbers even though I was close to the clock by a meter.

I just turned the tv and turned the channel to the morning news corner to see what's the time, again I was close to the tv by two meters then I peered on the tv just to see the time.

It was already 5:30 in the morning and my brother was supposed to wake up. I shook him off and wake him up. " Aww man... I'm still sleepy I don't want to go to school today!" he said. "C'mmon you lazy brat! You wouldn't meet that girl from yesterday if you wouldn't go to school..." I said with a grin. Then he suddenly jumped from the sofa as if he remembered something important to do and rushed to the downstairs bathroom. "It worked?" I said to myself... People said if someone is in love they would have an inspiration. So it really did work?

I went to the kitchen and yes I fried four  eggs and make my self an egg sandwich. After that I went to the sink and brush my teeth. Before I headed to school I bid my brother and mother good bye and I forgot where did my Pops go. I didn't see him last night either... Hmm maybe he really needs to hurry to  his work place but that's too early! 

While I was inside a bus and took a seat near the window . While on the way, I played the app.

Inside the game ' It was already the night that you'll be pretending to be Ryouichi's girlfriend!' it says.' the protagonist I was controlling was inside her bedroom picking clothes for the night. There were three options. OPTION 1: Formal dress OPTION 2: Short dress with jeans OPTION 3: Tank top and jeans. Well randomly I chose OPTION 3. What would Ryouichi say if I only wear tank top and jeans... '

Inside the restaurant, Ryouichi wore a formal tuxedo with a blue tie, he looks really good. "Whoa there are you sure you want to wear tank top in a formal party? That's kind of unique y'know , I like it!" he said "But seriously, Cherie, you need to dress up properly or else my parents won't think of you as rich. Good thing I ordered a dress, because I knew from the start you weren't serious about this at all..." He added with a serious face.

He gave the protagonist a short red silk dress. "Whoa, you look gorgeous I think I will  like you more , by the way feel free to fall for me. Don't be afraid I will take care of you."  He said with a smile and took the protagonists' hand my heart beat fast, I thought what if he comes alive and treat me like this? .

There were three options, OPTION 1: Really? (with sarcasm , roll eyes) OPTION 2: Sure, Maybe I'll fall for you! OPTION 3: No thanks... I already have a boyfriend! Then I chose OPTION 3, I lied and chuckled to myself  and said "take that!". Then people inside the bus started staring at me. IT WAS AWKWARD IT'S AS IF I WAS TALKING TO SOMEONE ON THE PHONE! "Oh it's just my boyfriend." I said to the old lady beside me and she looked at me with a glare. WAIT WHAT DID I JUST SAY? MY BOYFRIEND? I could never fall for a fictional character!! 

I stared outside the window and saw a market. I think it was the market where mom buys food. The name of the market is "Jerry's Market Place" but I couldn't see it clearly I thought it was Jerry's but why is it "Jenny's Market Place"? ARE MY EYES OKAY? It was blurry when I looked outside I couldn't see the faces of people! Ughh I think I need to have my eyes checked... 

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