Chapter 37

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~Angel's POV~

I walked upstairs with Marsh, our hands locked together. I couldn't help but smile when we entered my room, I put on Netflix and we laid there watching Wolf Blood. I giggled every time the wolves came on which caused him to hiss, he crossed his arms and looked fascinated as the wolves turned to human. I giggled and stroked his arm and he nuzzled and kissed me, I kissed him back and purred.

I paid attention to the show and I felt a squeeze on my thigh and turned around, I screamed and kicked my legs, freaking out a lot. I felt his arms wrap around me and I clung to him. His look of worry was on his face, I bit my lip and nuzzled within his shirt. I clung and trembled in his arms, I looked up and screamed again,punching his chest to let me go and I whimpered. I crawled away into a corner and curled up.

He slightly hesitated but crawled beside me,he looked more worried and I couldn't stop trembling. I bit my lip and knew I should tell someone, I sighed and I stared at him. I matched his gaze as he looked at my leg, I was bleeding so much. I gasped and leaned against the wall, flinching a lot and fell on to my side. I felt weaker by the second, I felt his embrace which picked me up, he held me safely and I blacked out against his body.

~Marshall's POV~

I held Angel to me, what the hell is going on? I asked myself. She blacked out and she was bleeding, I yelled for help and I turned my head as her brother, Andreous came into the room. He gasped and saw the blood, I was on the verge of tears. He chewed his lip and I pulled her head onto my shoulder, rocking her along with my body.

I kept my hand where I can check her pulse and saw Red and someone else walk in. I heard Andreous call him James and I tilted my head a bit, kissing Angel's forehead. I picked her up and decided to not do so, I placed her gently against me. I floated above her body and ran my thumb over her cheek, I placed my forehead gently against hers.

I held her unmoving hand, I looked at Red who was in complete shock and anger. I kept Angel's hand in mine, locking my fingers with hers. I placed her hand on my forehead with mine, I felt the tears roll down my face and knew I was crying. My lip trembled as more tears rolled down, I didn't care. I just wanted her back, I love her. I turned as I was embraced by Andreous,I sniffled.

~James' POV~

I've never seen anyone cry as much as I've seen this young man, he's so sweet to Angel. I leaned against the wall and chewed my lip furiously, whatever or whoever did this to her will pay and it won't be pretty. I watched and decided it was best to test her blood and attend the wound so I did what was needed, I started bandaging up her leg and placed her unmoving arms at her sides.

Her hair against the pillow and not her face, I sighed and walked back downstairs. Red was on the couch shaking and Andreous and, Marshall, I believe will be upstairs until she wakes up. I walked to see Grey in his room, reading. I snickered quietly to myself and continued my way to my room. I sat on my bed and curled up beneath the blanket, I relaxed and fell into a peaceful and deep sleep.

~Angel's POV~

I walked along the aisles of the garden, I was greeted by mom's horses, Cherry,Blossom, Luna, Shadow,and Celestia. I stroked their heads once for each horse, I knew mom had more than five horses somewhere. I never knew where though, I hopped onto Luna's back and rode off. We met someone at the fountain, a new person.

I chewed my lip and landed on my feet, I walked towards him carefully and he turned around. His fanged smile seeping into my blood and under my skin. I stepped back a bit as he reached his hand out and grabbed my arm gently, I gasped and was pulled into him. His hands locked with mine, I snarled and he laughed. I scowled and he chuckled, he didn't fear me clearly. I scoffed and he laughed.

"Why don't you fear me?" I asked cautiously, he chuckled and replied.
"I don't fear my food" before I knew it he put his fangs deep inside my neck and started touching me, my body burned for his and I felt his hands move from my shoulders down to my hips. His touch was paralyzing and I couldn't help but moan, I wanted to pull back but I couldn't.

I woke up and gasped into a heaping sweat, sweat was all down my body and my hair stuck to my face. I looked around the room, the lights blinding my eyes, I squinted and covered them with my hand until I was recognizing the butterfly stickers and the shooting stars on the wall, I giggled and looked as I saw Marsh asleep.

My hand inside his and I blushed, he really waited for me to wake up. I giggled softly and saw Andreous enter the room, his eyes were pleading for me to hug him but I stayed quiet and placed my finger on my lips and pointed to Marsh, he nodded and I watched Marsh. I saw him float and I placed him gently over my body and kept our hands together, I smiled and kissed his head.

Moments after his eyes fluttered open and met mine, he was startled and tackled me against my bed. I squealed and wrapped my arms and legs around him, I clung to him closely. He smelled of tears, and I needed to know why. I glanced up at Andreous who smiled and I smiled back, I pulled Marsh off me and went to stand when a sharp pain flashed into my body.

I screamed and held myself in fatal position, Marsh held me and placed me back down.  I whimpered and Andreous came to me and hugged me tight, I nuzzled him  and he nuzzled back. I smiled and saw Red enter the room, he hugged Marsh who was smiling like an idiot and crying too. I giggled and hugged Red as well, James and Grey came in and I hugged them both. We were such a happy group, I giggled and smiled a lot that my cheeks hurt.

(A/N: Hope you guys like this chapter, they're hopefully getting better. My creative skills have been mostly on painting but I don't like disappointing you guys! Love you all!!)

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