Chapter 2

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Logan sat in his comfortable chair in his colossal office, going through the annual reports when the loud bang of his door hitting the wall, snapped his head up. His worst nightmare stood in the doorway.

"What are you doing here?" Logan asked

"Is that any way to greet your fiance, darling?" That sweet voice so familiar brought in the rush of memories.

"The fiance who went AWOL around a year back when I needed her" he threw back and she narrowed her eyes at him.

Sydney was a sweet shy woman who practically grew up with him. He remembered the time when he would chase her all around his house and his backyard to the time when he'd pull her pigtails and tease her about her glasses, to the time when he fought and threatened all the guys that tried to hit on her when she hit puberty and then when she changed herself to become a model.

Logan liked the Sydney she was before she had a complete 180 change. But even though she might have changed her appearances she was still the Sydney he knew since they were kids in diapers.

"You know how hard it was for me to wait for you and come save me. I had to run away. That was the only way I could've saved my ass."

"You know you have me"

"I know that but then Logan , I know I'm not strong enough to help you up. Who's gonna help you if you're busy covering my back"

"I don't need anyone's help."

"You do. You're just too stubborn to ask"

Logan gave out a sigh and she made her way to where he sat. She pulled him up and then wrapped her hands around him.

"I care about you Logan" she said her voice muffled against his chest.

"I care about you too, Syd." he replied stroking his hand up and down her back.

"Logan, did you -" Sean found the very moment to enter. Sydney jumped back from his embrace and stumbled back in her way high heels.

"Careful" Logan extended a hand and she took it gratefully.

"I see you're busy." his brother added, icily.

Logan didn't know what it was that he did wrong but then seeing his icy glare directed at Sydney, he sighed.

Sean and Sydney hadn't been able to connect on any level. Even when they were kids, they were always fighting. Sydney never let a week go by when she wasn't playing pranks on his younger brother. At some point, Logan had believed that Sydney had a crush on him but then she had gone through the change and it seemed that crush was crushed to dust long back.

"What were you saying?" Logan asked him.

"Nothing in particular" he added "I'll come back some other time." he said and left the room in a hurry.

'Why is it that you're always glaring at each other is beyond me"

"Your brother is a pain in the ass snob, a sanctimonious bitch-."

Logan knew that she used humor as a defense mechanism, the more she felt cornered, the more sarcasm and humor dripped from her tone. She could never talk back let alone flip anyone the finger. Logan had always been the one to do that for her. For once it seemed that Logan had sheltered her way too much at that. Though it was amusing how she never backed down in front of Sean.

"Okay, okay. Calm down." Logan pulled a chair for her and she settled down.

"Are you okay?"

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